Admin are the current site issues being fixed or not? Low Views, sales etc.

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I would like to know if the current site issues are going to be fixed and if so when?
I am talking about the apparent huge problem with non existent views, resulting in a huge drop in sales for many sellers.
Is this being worked on, on etsy's end or is this a combination of problems, that may not all be related to etsy?? Has anyone figured out what exactly has happened? I have scoured various forum threads the past 2 weeks and there are a lot of various speculations as to the problem or problems.
What I really want to know is are we going to see a return in the traffic and views again, or do we need to start making other plans?
Btw, I do advertise off site and have for many months, as well as doing other type of networking. But there is now a huge problem with google dropping etsy listings and there are issues with the latest etsy header changes as well and who knows what else.
What can we expect to see in the coming days?, please answer if you are working on these things.

thank you

Posted at 6:45pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT


Quiltdream says

I would also like to know because I am tired of trying to figure it out on my own.

Posted at 6:47pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

It's difficult to weed through all of the forum posts, so I would really appreciate having more of a clear and concise picture (if there is such a thing) of what the problems are and if they will be fixed?

Posted at 6:50pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

today has been the worst

Posted at 6:50pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

i dont kn ow- anyone can fix their low views and sales with the right advertising

Posted at 6:51pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

my GA says views are about the same as last year and consistent with previous months, and i dont do any outside advertising, for etsy anyway

Posted at 6:54pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

It would be so wonderful if Admin saw this and would chime in.
I have been a loyal seller here for 2 years now and have rode the roller coaster more then once, but this time of year my stuff should be selling well and it's quite disturbing what has happened, I realize there are a tone of new jewelry sellers which doesn't help matters, but I believe the latest issues with low view/sales is something else.

Posted at 6:54pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

WoodPigeon says

I'm not sure what is going on, it may be the website or it might just be slow. In any case I hope something changes. In the mean time I will probably step up my advertising and continue to use other venues as well. Good luck to everyone!

Posted at 6:55pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

It was pointed out last night that Google is making around 550 adjustments to their searches this year. I am wondering if what they are doing is affecting us.

Posted at 6:56pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT

SissysArt says

I've been getting good views lately so I can't really complain. I'm always tweaking, trying to list, updating shop announcement etc.

Posted at 6:57pm Mar 29, 2010 EDT