Anyone else experienced FRAUD on the CC# you gave Etsy?

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I can't be certain where the fraud came from BUT I got a call from my bank today - my biz debit card - which is separate from all of my other accounts - which I ONLY use VERY RARELY was flagged for a fraudulent transaction today. I only use this card once in a blue moon for random supply purchases off Etsy & the only place it is stored online is on my Etsy account setup info. I don't even have this card linked to Paypal.
I did get the email (a few days late) about my info being involved in the treasury name issue.

Are we 1000000% sure that our billing info wasn't vulnerable at ANY TIME, Etsy?

Anyone else involved w/the treasury deal have any issues with their CC info being stolen?

Posted at 3:30pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT


Nope, all my info is undisturbed. No activity that I am not aware of. Since you do use it "once in a blue moon" it is possible that it was taken from somewhere else.

Posted at 3:32pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

azek2000 says

My paypal debit card was shut down last week cause their computer software flagged "Etsy" as a potential FRAUD purchase LOL so I had to call and tell them it was ok.

Posted at 3:32pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

LaurieRyan says

nope not at all well haven't seen so far haven't gotten a CC bill but from what we were told no CC information was revealed so we'll see on that one

just tell your bank that you did not authorize those and they should remove them easy enough

Posted at 3:32pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

I haven't had any issues.

Posted at 3:34pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

I hate these scare threads.

Posted at 3:35pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

they did remove it - i've only used it online a couple of times (and i already called both of those companies) and the only other place i've ever plugged it in is here when I set up shop. i know it could be either one of those companies but to cover all bases thought i'd check here, too. I use paypal for just about everything biz related so i rarely ever use that card for anything.
just wondering if anyone else had an issue recently.

Posted at 3:36pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

i was part of the 2% ~ haven't had any issues with my cc so far ~ keeping my fingers crossed

Posted at 3:36pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

how is this a 'scare thread' - it's a legit question - i just had my card compromised and i want to know how. if anyone else in the etsy community had it happen recently i know they'd be in here posting on the forums, too.

Posted at 3:37pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT

PoleStar says

no I haven't ever.

Posted at 3:37pm Sep 27, 2010 EDT