Just take the crappiest job you can find...

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MadameTabitha avatar
MadameTabitha says

Has been my dad's advice.

I guess I'm being too picky. I won't apply for the jobs that say you "must be able to lift 70 lbs on a regular basis" (some go up to 100) like UPS, FedEx, what have you - because I know (for a fact) that I *can't* physically handle that.

He says I'm just being whiny - it can't possibly hurt that bad.

I don't want a job that requires me to get up at 4 in the morning, because I know I am a night person and have trouble functioning first thing in the morning even when I sleep all night, so I know I'd be terrible at that job (one that comes to mind is newspaper delivery.)

He again says I just need to suck it up.

I don't want to work overnights and have to sleep all day, because any irregular sleeping patterns really mess with me (so badly they make me get sick sometimes).

He says it's all in my head, he's been doing it for 8 months now so why should I complain? (Mind you, he *has* been, but he has also been meaner'n hell those 8 months too...)

I don't want to work in a minimum wage job on the other side of the city because a) I don't like driving on the interstates and b) I don't relish the thought of paying out-of-pocket after wages just to be able to work there.

He says a job is a job, and I need to get over myself.

Since I can't seem to find any daytime jobs that I'm qualified for and want to call me back on this side of the city that don't want me to lift heavy boxes all day...apparently I *am* being too picky. I just need to get over myself and suck it up, and take whatever job I can, no matter how miserable it makes me (and by association, my fiance) because I'm young, I need to save money.

(Yes. Right now, fiance is the only one working. I am the loser woman who is sitting at home being a lazy freakin' bum all day long and making him do all the work.)

This is the source of my feeling like a huge loser this morning.

Am I an idiot for not just taking the first job I can find, no matter what it is/when it is/what it requires?

Would you? Do you?

Posted at 7:54am Oct 13, 2010 EDT


Plaidfuzz says

It sounds like you both have a point. If you NEED a job, you do need to suck it up. There isn't a 100% perfect job out there. But, if you aren't physically able to do something, it would be silly to waste your time applying. If you can afford to continue looking for a bit, there is no harm in doing that.

Posted at 8:05am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

Keith avatar
ButterflyBayDesign says

Well... it's better to start saving when you're young than to try and scramble when you are older.

That said, jobs that have physical demands that you cannot meet are not jobs you just jump into.

As for other considerations - unless your jobs are always within walking distance, you're going to pay out-of-pocket for transportation, be it gas or mass transit fare. That's just a reality of working.

Scheduling is something you should discuss with your fiance. Sometimes it can be stressful to work on shifts that impede your ability to be with loved ones. Sometimes it actually helps. But people adjust to shifts. It can take time but they adjust.

I don't know everything that you've looked at or applied to so I can't give an opinion on being too picky. What I will say is that the current job market is very competitive, and some of the ability to choose exactly what type of job you want seems to be fading. So the question is: how much compromise are you willing to do? Based upon that, focus your search a bit and keep looking.

Posted at 8:07am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

Allison avatar
AEBDesign says

I have had some complete shit jobs in my life. But I had to pay the rent. You shouldn't take the worst job (or one you can't physically do), but you need to find some compromises if you need the money and keep looking for a better job.

Hope you find something decent. Good luck!

Posted at 8:09am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

Aside from the lifting I've heard that FedEx is actually a decent job...

Posted at 8:11am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

Linda avatar
TheHickoryTree says

It's also easier to GET a job when you have a job for some stupid reason. Employers feel you are worthy of them if someone else hired you first. But I see your point. When I was out of a job a few years ago, I wouldn't apply for certain openings either - I just didn't want to do that. Plus I have a degree and many places just feel you are using them as a stepping stone until you find a REAL job, so they won't hire you anyway.

But don't take just anything if you don't have to, something will come along. If I lost my job now, I'd concentrate on my Etsy biz and not get a regular job ever again.

Posted at 8:14am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

MadameTabitha avatar
MadameTabitha says

plaid - that's the thing, I don't "need" a job in the sense that we're going to go broke if I don't get one. We're fine paying for our expenses with just his job, really - even saving.

Keith - I know that I'm going to have to pay for transportation costs, that's not what I meant - I meant using all of my wages *plus* extra just to be able to afford to go to the other side of the city and work. (i.e. paying to work rather than getting paid).

Oh, and something else I forgot to mention, a lot of people on the other side of the city (or even north or south sides) won't hire me because I'm so far away, I'm not even considered.

As far as too picky - my dad's definition is pretty much that if I'm turning down *any* job or not applying for *any* job for *any* reason, I'm being too picky. I'm just feeling like he must be right or else I'd have a job.

I don't understand why retail doesn't seem to want me anymore. People around here are starting to hire (a little anyway) for Christmas help...and yet I don't get called back.

Posted at 8:14am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

I don't believe that "a job is a job"

Posted at 8:15am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

MadameTabitha avatar
MadameTabitha says

TheHickoryTree said:

If I lost my job now, I'd concentrate on my Etsy biz and not get a regular job ever again.

This is what I'd love to do, but I'm not selling anything (no I don't have much listed on Etsy but on ArtFire I do & have for awhile). I've pretty much come to the conclusion that my stuff is not good enough for people to want, so oh well.

Posted at 8:15am Oct 13, 2010 EDT

Plaidfuzz says

Do you have much experience? You don't live with your dad, do you? Really it is between you and your fiance.

Posted at 8:16am Oct 13, 2010 EDT