Some people are so rude!

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someone sent me a convo it was so blunt!

"what drill did you use to create the holes in the polly pocket earrings?"

It just annoys me how rude some people are?

I don't mind telling people what kind of drill but this does not make me feel like even speaking.

get some manners please!

Posted at 6:24pm Nov 11, 2010 EST


I know, I get ones like that, too. It makes me soooo curious about the person. Like, what are they thinking? Do they realize they're being rude?

Posted at 6:27pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

MarilynStudio avatar
MarilynStudio says

You don't have to reply to them.

Posted at 6:27pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

I hope they don't read this post. :-(

Posted at 6:29pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

I hear ya.

Posted at 6:29pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

I know but it drives me nuts, not even a hello, a please or thank you or anything for that matter! grr

it's not exactly top secret info to tell what drill I'm using but because they asked so rude I just replied

"I'm not sure of the exact name of it, why do you want to know?"

just as equally as blunt as they asked which I am not proud of I should have just ignored it to be honest. I know what kind of drill but was just being arsey by saying dunno the exact make.

Posted at 6:30pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

to be honest I couldn't care less if they read this post because maybe they would get some manners!

Posted at 6:30pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

I would just reply with "Why do you want to know?"

Posted at 6:31pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

Schin Loong avatar
schin says

Sheesh, I've had a million people ask me bluntly 'What brush do you use in Photoshop'.. totally assuming I use some magical software that creates art in 5 seconds.

I always answer with 'It's a default brush.' As vague and assuming as the question is.

Posted at 6:31pm Nov 11, 2010 EST

WoodNPiece says

Just some manners, that's all please. A nice hello, a please, a thank you and your name.

Posted at 6:33pm Nov 11, 2010 EST