Chinese crap being sold as handmade not unique to etsy!!

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I follow all the threads about resellers here and etsy. And I agree that is sucks. Well, I was browsing today on google to basically check out my competition, and I came across some bottle lanterns being sold on "Uncommon Goods". The listing claims they were "handmade in the pacific northwest from bottles recycled from local wineries".

Well, I have seen that EXACT photo somewhere else. Alibaba, ie. made in china.

So, I wrote them an email. I'll be very curious to see their response.

Here's the email. If there's a response, I'll post it.


I was browsing thru your website, and these bottle lanterns caught my eye.

The reason for that is twofold: a) i am an american artist who makes a very similar product, and b) i had seen this exact photo somewhere before. I did a little research on these "handmade in the pacific northwest" items, and was able to find the place I had seen the photo before. It was on the website of a company from china who makes and sells them. And the photo is EXACTLY the same.


So, this brings me to one of 2 conclusions. One, you are passing off crap made in china as handmade in America, or two, somebody is passing off made in china crap to you.

Either way, it's disingenuous. And as a real american artist, this is the reason we struggle to make a living. At least Walmart doesn't try to hide where their products are from.

I will be very interested to hear your response. I have a lot of friends who shop here looking for unique handmade items, and I'm sure this would be of interest to them.


Posted at 3:29pm Nov 17, 2010 EST


Marie avatar
WindAndRain says

Meh, kind of intimidating, almost threatening even; but I'll hand it to you. You've got balls. Well done.

Posted at 3:32pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

Hi firststepdesigns! Isn't there a third possibilty -- that there actually an artist handmaking these bottle latterns in the northwest, and that their photograph was stolen and their product duplicated by someone Chinese sweatshop? I've heard of exactly that happening to Etsy artisans, unfortunately.

Posted at 3:34pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

second comment. I bought that very same product 8 years ago for my store. From a 'direct from orient' importer at the Dallas Market. A few other companies had also bought it and had incorporated it into their lines.

Never have seen a red wine bottle. And if not mistaken, this one was red 'plastic' glass paint onto a clear bottle. And it chipped badly.

Posted at 3:34pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

Conclusion 3#: Someone on Alibaba may be using the photo of something made in the U.S.

There was a thread here a while ago where an Etsy seller found her photos from her Etsy shop posted on Alibaba and it said the product was shipping from China. As the thread went on, turns out there were a lot of Etsy seller's photos on that site. Photos that went from here, to there.

Some commenters wondered how often those folks are accused of being resellers! So it was also noted that it's really not nice to accuse people of things you don't know anything about.

Posted at 3:35pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

oops...I didn't mean to sound so bitchy. I got myself all riled up about it. It really ruffled me.

I guess I should practice a little more "restraint of tongue and pen"!!

Posted at 3:35pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

DalkullanJewelry said:
Hi firststepdesigns! Isn't there a third possibilty -- that there actually an artist handmaking these bottle latterns in the northwest, and that their photograph was stolen and their product duplicated by someone Chinese sweatshop? I've heard of exactly that happening to Etsy artisans, unfortunately.

I think the stolen picture may be my first guess.

Posted at 3:35pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

plasticpumpkin avatar
plasticpumpkin says

There are mass-producers with factories in a number of countries, not just China. FWIW. There are also REAL Chinese artists who sell on Etsy, who do make their own work and every time one of these threads pop up, I'm sure some people are frightened away from buying from them.

With that said, the reseller situation is frustrating as hell. It's frustrating for real artists in every country.

Each situation, however, is unique. Sometimes what looks like rule-breaking is actually not. This is why Etsy prohibits forum call-outs.

You should google "etsy call out" and keep tabs on that blog.

Posted at 3:38pm Nov 17, 2010 EST

yayabun says

write to uncommon goods so they can contact the artist

Posted at 3:38pm Nov 17, 2010 EST