Checkbook Covers

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    Learn More About Checkbook Covers

    Checkbook covers are specially designed to hold bank check pads. They’re typically made of materials like leather, canvas, or vinyl and keep your checks safe and ready to use. Modern checkbook covers feature pockets, sleeves, and additional sections to hold debit or credit cards, pens, ID, and more. Checkbook covers allow you to keep your checks in your purse or bag without worrying about them getting dirty or damaged.

    Etsy sellers make checkbook covers in a variety of unique designs to suit all kinds of people, from a business owner writing paychecks to a stay-at-home parent balancing the budget or a jetsetter who likes to packs light. Here are a few of the most popular checkbook cover styles.

    • Slim-line: Slim-line checkbook covers are a no-fuss, minimalistic style. They feature two slits for the cover and back of your checkbook to slide into, and they're often made of canvas or vinyl.
    • Zippered: Zippered checkbook covers tend to have a few more features than slim-lined ones. They include a zipper extending across three sides and are often made of canvas, denim, or cotton.
    • Wallet: Checkbook wallets are decked out with helpful features like sleeves for your cards, pen loops, and money pockets. They keep all your financial essentials in one place, making them great for travel.
    • Binder: Business checkbook covers are typically large binder-style covers that hold three-hole punched check sheets with side ledgers. They're often made of leather, and they make a thoughtful gift for someone starting a new venture.
    • Top-stub: Top-stub checkbook covers are longer than standard covers to accommodate checks with top stubs for quick book balancing. They usually have a reinforced fold covering the spiral on the checkbook.

    As with custom checks, checkbook covers allow you to express your style, personality, likes, or fandoms. Give yourself a daily reminder of your vacation funds goal with a personalized checkbook cover featuring your dream destination. Work with sellers on Etsy to design a custom checkbook cover that proudly displays your small business logo. Give your teen a monogrammed checkbook cover when they get their first job. Or, pair your vintage handbag with a leather checkbook cover for a classic feel.