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Card Games

  • Review spotlight

    Learn More About Card Games

    The use of cards for playing games dates back more than a thousand years. Where would we be if we didn't have card games to play on family game night? A few rounds of favorite multiplayer card games around the dinner or game table can entertain for hours, bringing families together, strengthening bonds between friends, and sparking good-natured rivalries.

    The traditional deck contains 52 playing cards, but countless other card games in different formats offer zillions of card-playing options.

    The games you can play with just a deck of playing cards are too numerous to mention. In the unfortunate event you've never played a card game before, you’re sure to discover at least one—if not several—that satisfy your playing style and gaming preferences. Here are some well-loved classic card games that have stood the test of time.

    • Solitaire: Solitaire is a catch-all term for the many common one-person playing card games. Solitaire is relaxing and engaging without taxing your mental faculties.
    • Poker: This gambling card game is one of the most popular of all time. Poker has a multitude of exciting variations, but the basics of this multi-player card game remain consistent throughout versions. Players wager at different stages of the game that their cards will beat those of their opponents.
    • Blackjack: Also known as 21, this wildly popular casino card game is very simple to learn, and just as easy to play in an informal setting as at a casino table.
    • Cribbage: Usually a two-person card game, cribbage also has a three-person variation. In this popular card game, players count the values of certain cards and card arrangements in their hands and move their pegs according to how many points they garner in each turn. Players move pegs along a cribbage board, with each peg hole representing a point. The first player to reach the 121st point on the board wins the match.
    • Multiplayer card games: Rummy and Spades are two well-loved party card games for more than two players. They're easy to learn and loads of fun for post-meal group activities during the holidays.

    Trading card games give cards special properties—often with special instructions printed right on them—keeping games dynamic and often unpredictable.

    The most common type of trading card game involves two or more players simulating a battle or a journey. Each player brings a deck they construct themselves to the table. With every round, players lay down cards that have special powers—for example, enabling the player to draw more cards in a turn or cancel the effect of an opponent's card. Trading card games are often very involved and have rules that can change in an instant, keeping players on their toes while building strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.