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Push & Pull Toys

  • Learn More About Push & Pull Toys

    Push-and-pull toys come in a variety of designs and materials, but their stand-out feature is a wheeled bottom. In addition to the wheels, pull toys always have a string or lever attached so kids can run ahead while dragging their favorite buddy along for the ride. Toy wagons are a great example of a pull toy. Push toys do not have a string and come in a broader range of styles, from mini vehicles to ride-on bikes and play lawnmowers to animals. Many push toys showcase an upright handle for kids to propel themselves forward, but some consider balls, spinning tops, and basically anything that’s moved by hand to be a push toy.

    Push-and-pull toys can help young children develop fine motor skills and better balance and encourage coordination. The first designs originated thousands of years ago, and while they’re a traditional style of childhood toy, they’re still gaining popularity today. After all, they’re nothing better than perfection.

    Historically, the most standard material for push-and-pull toys was wood. Today, plastic push-and-pull toys are also common since many modern plastics are lightweight, have a soft feel, and are packed full of color, which can grab kids’ attention. Wooden push-and-pull toys have perks, too—the natural material can be better from an environmental standpoint and is often more durable than plastic. They can showcase bright colors, but if left unpainted, the wood brings a warm and natural look to the toy that appears more elevated when left strewn about the living room floor.