
Natural Linen jewelry, Boho Organic, Unique gifts

Boutique idéale pour les cadeaux.

Des acheteurs ont commandé des cadeaux dans cette boutique et leur ont donné des évaluations à 5 étoiles !

Annonce    With a passion for colors, nature, light, flowers, earth and people ... To have head in the clouds and enjoy the smallest thing ... Visit the gallery. Thank you for visiting my boutique :) If you have any questions - write to me. All items are made for you by my hands. I'll try to make you happy. Thank you and best regards, Jaga


Dernière mise à jour : 03 janv. 2023

With a passion for colors, nature, light, flowers, earth and people ... To have head in the clouds and enjoy the smallest thing ... Visit the gallery. Thank you for visiting my boutique :) If you have any questions - write to me. All items are made for you by my hands. I'll try to make you happy. Thank you and best regards, Jaga

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Agnieszka Klemżyńska Jagna

Contacter le vendeur

Agnieszka Klemżyńska Jagna


Moyenne des évaluations
5 étoiles sur 5

A propos de JagnaStudio

Ventes 940
Sur Etsy depuis 2016

You can buy a beautiful, colorful linen jewellery ... and not only linen one - I invite You :)

Membres de la boutique

  • Jagna Agnieszka Klemżyńska


    I'm woman, daughter, sister, wife, mother of twins, friend, teacher, therapist - My hands will make jewelry for you, I will pack it ecologically and send it to your world :)

Conditions générales de vente

Mise à jour : 24 nov. 2020

Frais de livraison

Consultez les détails de l'article pour obtenir une estimation de la date d'arrivée.

Taxes de douane et d'import

Les éventuelles taxes de douane et d'importation sont à la charge des acheteurs. Je ne suis pas responsable des délais causés par la douane.

Options de paiement

Options sécurisées
Paypal Visa Mastercard Apple Pay Carte cadeau
Accepte les cartes cadeaux Etsy et les crédits Etsy
Etsy traite vos informations de paiement de manière sécurisée. Les boutiques Etsy n'ont jamais accès aux informations liées à votre carte de crédit.

Retours et échanges

Consultez les détails de l'article pour l'éligibilité aux retours et aux échanges.


Annulations : non acceptées

N'hésitez pas à contacter le créateur en cas de problème avec votre commande.

Règlement concernant la confidentialité

Conditions de vente et Droit de rétractaction

Pour la résolution extrajudiciaire des litiges consommateurs, l'Union Européenne a lancé une plate-forme en ligne (« plate-forme ODR ») : https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

Plus d'informations

Dernière mise à jour : 07 nov. 2023
Custom and personalised orders

If you want a different dimension than standard with me - write to me - I'll tell you if I can do it.
Individual orders are not refundable. You can not give it back to me.

Care instructions

Our linen products have a guarantee of use under the following conditions:
- do not soak in water
- we do not bathe in water
- we do not get dirty because of using powders and foundations
- stored in a fastened form, lying in a pouch - to limit the access of air from cupboards etc. moths etc.
- we do not bend, do not break, do not change the form of the product.

PROCESSING TIME = Time to do and send time

Our linen products are hand-made. Time to do it 1 to 3 days. Be patient. Add time to do + send time. I try very hard to be on time.


I send everything by priority registered letter via Global Expres.
All packages must be signed - remember this.
If there is no parcel with you at home - go to the post office and ask for your parcel. It may be that the package is waiting for you there.
You remember - number phone for me after your buying :)

Estimated shipping times
Poland: 1-2business days
North America and another:8-14 business days
Europe: 5-7 business days


If You have any questions – write to me – I talk in elementary English :) but I will do everything to make you happy.
Thank You very much and Best Regards, Jagna

Orders - Christmas time ... ? When can I place my order?

Christmas orders ...
Christmas orders take time. I'm trying very hard to make it a good time.
But I have no influence on the work of mail and carriers.
Please - place an order in advance.

USA, Canada - 12th of December
Europe-15 of December
New Zeland, Australia, China- 1th of December

Coordonnées du vendeur

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