
Photos created and shared by this shop

4 years

Posted this listing of an Easter set of soaps yesterday! Such cute little bunnies and one little chick! yellow_heartpurple_heart

4 years

Just listed a set of Easter Soaps! Cute little bunnies and one little chick, who sneaked into the box. It is great as a gift or can be used as Easter basket fillers. yellow_heartpurple_heartgreen_heartblue_heart

4 years

Packaging Mango Pomegranate Soap to be mailed tomorrow morning! Such a great scent and pretty swirl soap!!

4 years

This Mango Pomegranate Soap was mailed out too. It has a beautiful fruity scent that is not too sweet but just right! Love all of its swirls!! two_hearts

4 years

Taking photos of a smaller stack of soap ends. This stack weighs less and has more girly soaps in the stack than the bigger one already listed.

4 years

Just wrapping this soap to mail today. LOVE this happy and fresh scent!!!heartpulse

4 years

This is one of my favorite soaps!! I love a clean cotton scent ... and then add a little citrusy sparkle!! It’s amazing!! And such good for you soap too!! ok_handyellow_heart

4 years

This is a smaller stack of soaps that is similar to the one tagged here. It will be listed soon and will be lower in price. The one tagged has soaps that are very big...a great deal actually!! +1

4 years

Working at the computer. This is what my shop looks like from my side! blush

4 years

This is a little peek into my desk and reference books! I used to make candles too...burning a cranberry one now for Christmas. christmas_treeheart

5 years

This soap is ready to be wrapped...it will be shrink-wrapped to protect the cute little squares of soap on top! LOVE this evergreen woodsy scent!!green_heart

5 years

Someone ordered another Whiskey and Rum Soap!! Etsy must be showing it a lot or something...

5 years

These were wrapped earlier and packed with their orders. They are already at the post office and on their way!!

5 years

Three people ordered this soap over the weekend! They are out to wrap and then package for shipment. blush

5 years

Made some scent cards with the fragrances that are in this soap!! The scents are evergreen, fir, and cedar...like a forest anytime of the year. blushyellow_heart

5 years

Autumn Woodlands Soap has the scent of the outdoors, like a walk in the woods...and its colors celebrate the change of leaves in the fall. It is a great soap for any time of year though!

5 years

The is a peek into my computer work area. I am trying to get my shop ready for November and the holidays! I actually spend a lot of time in front of this desktop!!

5 years

Out shopping again for photo props! I realize it is too late in the fall season for these colorful leaves though. Yet they are so pretty in person!

5 years

Just added some new little soap balls to the collection! They are so wonderful on a counter or shelf. They give a happy feeling to a space!