
Photos created and shared by this shop

2 years

"Don't these make great friendship bracelets?"

2 years

"Pastel perfection!"

2 years

"Hi, it's me Christine :)"

2 years

"Carry the sun with you!"

2 years

"Get your greens!"

2 years

"New drop of jewelry!"

2 years

"When mother of pearl meets freshwater pearl..."

2 years

"Upcycling made cute."

2 years

"In love with cowrie shells!"

2 years

"Like a rain cloud!"

2 years

"I love to used reclaimed beads! Check out the new mother of pearl chandelier earrings."

2 years

"New chandelier earrings with reclaimed coral beads!"

2 years

"Check out these four new earrings in my shop!"

2 years

"Check my sale section for lots of colorful earrings!"

3 years

"Dark green and apricot."

3 years

"Reused beads and rock crystal bracelet."

3 years

"I got my hands on a discarded amber necklace and decided to make some earrings with it. Check them out, they are fun and super lightweight! #slowfashion"

3 years

"Just listed some new natural stone and brass earrings."

4 years

The greener the better!

4 years

Check out the new designs! I finally can offer silver plated creole earrings!

4 years

Sometimes even the classics have to go. Enjoy 40% off while I make room for new designs!

5 years

New one of a kind gemstone necklaces!

5 years

Look at this beautiful rainbow shimmer on my new keshi pearl bracelet!

5 years

Took a quick picture of orders before packing.

5 years

I made some new packaging, so you get extra cuteness with your order!

5 years

They say Amazonite has a calming effect...

5 years

Studio impression.