Autism and Vaccines

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So I'm watching the Today show and the doctors on the show say vaccines do NOT cause Autism.
I know there are quite a few parents of Austistic children on Etsy and I wondered how many feel that vaccines did cause their child's Autism.
Any how many parents are not vaccinating because of this.

Posted at 8:18am Oct 30, 2008 EDT


I have a friend who is a counselor/companion for autistic kids. She is adamant that it's not the actual vaccine, but there are certain preservatives included in the vaccines that is what raises eyebrows. I asked her about this specifically and she herself is curious about whethere there are higher occurances of autism now or if it's just more diagnosed. Regardless, she advises people to request the vaccines to be spaced out from one another instead of a whole lot in one day--which I guess people do to save money on doctor's visits-- and request them be preservative-free. She's 32 with 2 kids and has been doing this for a few years. She IS concerned that people aren't allowing themselves to be educated, and just going on what the media is blabbing.

Posted at 8:22am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

I think you've just opened a big can of worms.

Yes, I believe it has something to do with autism. I also think vaccines play a role in many other health issues.

No, I don't vaccinate my kids.

Posted at 8:26am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

They also said because so many people are choosing not to vaccinate that a comeback of diseases like Polio are inevitable.

Posted at 8:27am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

I'm not saying either way is wrong. Just wondered what others opinions were. Being that it's your child your free to choose whichever.

Posted at 8:29am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

Of course the doctors are going to say that. Just think of the lawsuits that would come about if they admitted that vaccinations had anything to do with it.

Nope, I won't allow my child to be injected with monkey guts, aborted babies, and nasty chemicals.

Posted at 8:30am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

I know two children that have Asbergers and have never been vaccinated. While I think we should definately take a hard look at vaccines, I also think we should not ignore other possible factors. What those might be I don't know. Pesticides? Hormones? Pollutants in the air? It could make you crazy if you dwell on it, but the reserchers should at least be looking at all th possibilities.

Posted at 8:31am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

yes, the doctors do say that. People have said that those of us who choose not to vaccinate are selfish, inconsiderate, a danger to society, need to have our children taken from us....

The doctors also tell us antibiotics and a whole host of other prescription drugs are good for us. They'll make us better.

I think educating yourself is the safest answer and you have to make the choice based on your own research, not what the doctors and drug companies tell you.

Posted at 8:31am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

216, that is it exactly. There are so many chemicals and toxins that it may simply be a reaction between the vaccine and something else. There are many possibilities!

Hi prinker! I haven't seen you around in ages!

Posted at 8:33am Oct 30, 2008 EDT

216Stitches says:
I know two children that have Asbergers and have never been vaccinated. While I think we should definately take a hard look at vaccines, I also think we should not ignore other possible factors. What those might be I don't know. Pesticides? Hormones? Pollutants in the air? It could make you crazy if you dwell on it, but the reserchers should at least be looking at all th possibilities.

Thanks 216. I didn't know there were children with Autism that hadn't had vaccines. I just hope someday they find out what causes it.

Posted at 8:34am Oct 30, 2008 EDT