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I am sorry for the lack of proper grammar, but I am writing this post from my phone. I wanted to get my thoughts out and relay the conversation I just had with a representative from the Consumer Protection Agency concerning the new regulations on children's product testing.

I called and left a message a few weeks ago concerning those of us in the cottage industry and the ramifications of this new regulation. I got a call back today.
1. There is the impression that we crafters are NOT selling across state lines. There is an exception/ exemption to the testing rule if you are only selling locally. I had to explain to the representative that was not the case for me or others like me. Since we are selling across state lines the lab testing rule applied.

2. If you are making a product and you will be making them in different colors and styles, then testing one item will suffice as long as they are made out of the same materials. So, if you make baby booties out of cotton, felt, and leather then as long ad you use the same material for that product line then you do not have to test each one.

3. Congress is meeting again next week concerning this new regulation. I was told that the only recourse was for us to contact our congressman/ women directly and let them know the impact this new regulation would have on the small business/cottage industry and that we simply cannot afford this and still survive.

If nothing else CALL your congress folks and let them knowwhat they are doing to us.

I hope this helps.

Posted at 4:11pm Dec 5, 2008 EST


GiGiBelts avatar
GiGiBelts says

great info. Thanks.

Posted at 4:12pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

thanks for the info

Posted at 4:14pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

Tina avatar
thecyclingartist says

Just keeping this up top for you because it's fantastic that you're getting real contact with people on this issue! They clearly have never heard of this international selling place called the internet. ;) Good luck with the fight!

Posted at 4:15pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

jusshar says

Good info!

So if you only sell at craft shows and the like, you are ok. Is that how I read it?

Posted at 4:16pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

bumping. folks need to know.

Posted at 4:17pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

marking, good for you for getting your info straight from the source!!

Posted at 4:17pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

marking, good for you for getting your info straight from the source!!

Posted at 4:17pm Dec 5, 2008 EST


Posted at 4:17pm Dec 5, 2008 EST

I emailed etsy and never got a response.
I still am not clear on whether this just concerns childrens things?

Posted at 4:19pm Dec 5, 2008 EST