ETSY DAY****April 24th***** NEW INFO!!!!!

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schugirl says

Etsy Day ---OLD NOTES
Friday, April 24th ALL DAY!!
globally, with any luck!
So many people don’t know what Etsy is. Wouldn’t be great to do a grassroots, marketing blitz to raise awareness and create a buzz. The idea is to create a mystery about Etsy. We want to educate the public by throwing the word out there in mass numbers without telling them what it is, thereby getting people to notice it everywhere, wonder about it, talk to people, and eventually researching it on the internet. See initial thread:
and second thread:

I know some of you want to buy shirts, bumper stickers, car decals, etc. That’s great. You can do that in ADDITION to printing our car sign for free here:

(This sign is only to be used for Etsy Day or future Etsy Days TBA)

We want everyone to be able to participate. We are strongest in numbers! And this car sign is the simplest method. For those who don’t drive or live in the city, you could:
1. Arrange to meet other fellow Etsians (if you live in metropolitan area) to hold the Etsy car as a sign. Ex. Meet in Times Square for 15 min and wave the sign or pass it out as fliers. Then leave…blitz-like.
2. Print car sign and post in the local coffee shop, diner, etc
3. Wave it on the Today show! Hehe
4. Convo me and I can send you bookmarks, cards, fliers to print and distribute.

*I think it will be a little flimsy when printed so I think it would be great to glue the sign to black construction paper.

** Remember: For this one day we are asking that you just promote Etsy, not your personal shop. United, we stand to gain the most!

*** With the recession looming over us, we have a great opportunity to explain to people that there’s a need to go back to simpler times ie. supporting artisans and craftsmen(women).

****Please try to spread this thread to as many fellow Etsians as you can. If you notice your state’s team not responding to the thread, send them an email with the link.
Let’s make this BIG!!!!

The Etsy lawyer stated that we need to make sure we accurately represent ourselves to the public during this promotion. So if we put note cards in a coffee shop, bathroom, etc and someone asks about it, we need to make sure they understand this promotion is being run by individual Etsy shop owners, not the Etsy company itself. The car signs probably won’t generate a lot of questions, but if anyone is asked by the press or news related affiliation, make sure they understand that the Etsy company did not organize this promotion. If asked who did, say a group of individual Etsy shop owners who wanted to bring awareness to the website. The lawyer said that they get concerned that they’ll be barraged with question that they won’t be able to answer.
You’ll notice that all the materials have been altered slightly to state the message of who is putting on the promotion, etc.

If you already printed those materials, can you hand write the message on the back (This promotion is sponsored by individual Etsy shop owners, not the Etsy company)

PLEASE check back in case of updates. You don’t have to read the whole thread, just posts by me: schugirl.

Sorry for the delay! Let the games begin!!

Posted at 5:20pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT


mimirob says

Got it...thanks!

Posted at 5:24pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

odiliafu says

Great communication! Thanks for taking the time to do all this.

Posted at 5:26pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

shanineal says

This is too cute!

Posted at 5:26pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

dinks207 says

oh cool idea, thanks for the post!

Posted at 5:29pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

Thanks for the info. and all your hard work.

Posted at 5:30pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

schugirl says

Hope everyone sees the new info!

Posted at 5:38pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

schugirl says

please spread the word!

Posted at 5:47pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

yay!!! Etsy day here we come :o)

Posted at 5:50pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT

sound like fun but AI do that now I pass out business card all over the place.. and leave them in coffee shops with their permission of course.. ar any where you are allowed to leave a business card like in a grocery store on there bulitien board for business cards.. etc..
be creative.

Posted at 5:55pm Apr 8, 2009 EDT