I am probably having my children at home...

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MoonFairy says

I also want to have a home birth, but as a med student, I must tell you: Doctors are not created to kill you. We don't slave away twelve years of our lives to harm you. In fact, we do things because we're told it's better for your health. Please, Etsy friends who are terrified by doctors, stop putting us in the attempted-murderer pile.

Posted at 3:41pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

Kymsart777 says


I respect your wishes..you are very brave! Just make sure you have access to a hospital and a doctor just in case! I wish I could have been brave enough to have mine at home. I had very difficult deliveries though.

Posted at 3:41pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

after my second was born via emergency c-section, due to prolapsed umbilical cord that happened during a slow, routine labor......and she had the cord around her neck twice...my doc said to me,

"this is why we don't have babies at home."

she, in no way, would have survived even an ambulance ride to the hospital.

ps.: prolapsed cord means the cord came through the cervix during a contraction. with every contraction it was cutting off her own heart beat. my doc had delivered thousands of babies, and only had one other prolapse. that baby died.

Posted at 3:41pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

EnchantedGypsy avatar
EnchantedGypsy says

I had a water home birth and it was the most amazing experience in my life. Being able to be concious and aware of the entry of my childs body and soul into the world. I had one in the hospital strapped down with drugs too..

The experience was not as pleasurable...

Posted at 3:42pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

seb8351 says

Amen MoonFairy.

Posted at 3:42pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

kimonomomo says

My first delivery was traumatic for both me and my baby, which is why I left the country and had my second baby abroad. I still delivered in a hospital, but with a midwife. MUCH better and less traumatic all around. And no drugs for either delivery.

Childbirth is a normal bodily function, not the illness it's treated as by modern medicine.

Posted at 3:43pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

I think the average OB/GYN is better trained and more knowledgable about labor and delivery than the average chiropractor. I don't really care how you give birth, but I recommend talking to a medical doctor, midwife and doula when making a decision, not a chiropractor.

Posted at 3:43pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

actually a friend of mine just had a baby in the hospital. They actually used a "plunger" type thing to pull the baby out. She ended up coming out with a huge blister on her head, and she looked like she had a "cone-head"(I know it sounds silly when I say it like that..but its the only way I can describe it.) Anyway she had to have a few surgeries to correct it and drain the fluid out. She is fine now...but I thought it was so weird that an instrument the doctor used to get the baby out would hurt her like that!

Posted at 3:44pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

EnchantedGypsy avatar
EnchantedGypsy says

Yeah but a lot of drs are paid off by the pharmie companies and push drugs that are not the best for you.

This country is way over drugged. I would like to see drs be more open to other modalities..

Posted at 3:44pm Jan 3, 2009 EST

seb8351 says

Also amen to achachliebling.

Posted at 3:44pm Jan 3, 2009 EST