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quirkybags says

As other users have mentioned, combining the rules & TOS into one easily accessible place would be a huge step in the right direction.

I feel it is time for the Etsy administration to revisit their guidelines, make amendments as they see necessary (as a business, not a community) and send out a notification to ALL members via email.

Based on recent events, amending the TOS to state that membership privileges can be restricted or revoked at any time without warning might be the first amendment.

Posted at 3:56pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

ebbandflo says


even now there is discussion and frustration being debated on a topic that has been "bugging" etsy for quite a while

new thread, new voices

community building and maintenance takes hard work

Posted at 3:56pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

SarahSays says

If you EVER feel like your safety is in danger, please contact your local authorities.


Posted at 3:57pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

We try not to get too involved in the drama and I have never felt I was in danger of being muted or even warned. I try to reread my posts before finalizing them and see how they look in print with no facial cues. Sometimes it is a big eye opener.

I have seen people chase other community members from thread to thread harassing them. I have seen people return time and time again to a thread only to tell others that their opinion is irrelevant. It is behavior that should not be tolerated.

I feel that I come to play in admin's sandbox. This is not a democracy. I play here with their permission and so I play here abiding by their rules AND being respectful to them.

Posted at 3:57pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

mishkat says

gemmafactrix says:
To be clear, this is something that happened nearly a year ago, and I'm not at liberty to talk about it. I do want to be perfectly clear that it is a past instance, and has nothign to do with anything currently happening on Etsy. :)
Thank you for clarifying.

Posted at 3:57pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

ebbandflo says

i play in admins' sandbox too

i would appreciate advance warning if i am no longer invited

i would appreciate advance warning if short trousers are not allowed one day

Posted at 3:59pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

intothefire--"I have seen people chase other community members from thread to thread harassing them. I have seen people return time and time again to a thread only to tell others that their opinion is irrelevant. It is behavior that should not be tolerated."

Maybe they will stop after they get muted? Maybe being muted is like a warning and the person will now tread a little lighter?

Posted at 3:59pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

No problem. :)

Posted at 3:59pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

pepperinapress avatar
pepperinapress says

SarahSays says:
If you EVER feel like your safety is in danger, please contact your local authorities.

Is anyone going to answer any of the other questions or address the other issues raised?

Admin seems very quiet apart from this.

And no, I'm not asking for personal specifics. There are a lot of questions in this thread that remain unaddressed.

Posted at 4:00pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT

"in the admin's sandbox" is a great choice of words.Playgrounds and children are famous for changing/breaking their own game rules.I know ,I spend a lot of time witnessing the mayhem.

Posted at 4:02pm Sep 24, 2007 EDT