I think we have just been insulted......

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acornalley avatar
acornalley says

Fantastic - so the stuff on here is no good, and simple to make to boot. I'm off to buy a glue gun at Walmart so I can felt myself that scarf I've had my eye on - should be a piece of cake.

Deep breaths, deep breaths....

Posted at 8:36pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

whyte says

Hey, not to be the fly in the Ornament...er I mean ointment, but if yer gonna be an artist, critiquing and reviews are part of the entire art scene.

Pull up your artsy pants etsians, and take it on the chin like, true artists. No whining when critiqued or your "gallery" is critiqued. Show 'em you can take it.

Posted at 8:36pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

Erin Fouse avatar
krugsecologic says

Oh my.... that's a very harsh comment.

Posted at 8:36pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

ChristinaPerdue said:
I don't believe he's saying 'everything on Etsy is crap'.

We have a lot of great artists & crafters here and we have some not-so-great artists & crafters too.

The issue is the media (and Etsy itself) has positioned it as a place to 'make a quick buck selling easy crafts'.

So with this positioning you see an increase of people who don't learn their craft well and therefore aren't producing quality products.

I agree.

Posted at 8:36pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

Etsy is a non-juried site, by design. That means that it has everything from high-end fine arts to glue gun whatever and everything in between. It will never be accepted as an elitist institution. It isn't meant to be.

Posted at 8:36pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

ChristinaPerdue avatar
ChristinaPerdue says

Umm... I know you guys don't agree with him, but calling him a 'prick' on the Etsy forums is in no way going to help Etsy's image.

At least he expressed himself somewhat professionally.

Posted at 8:37pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

The internet and its opportunities are very threatening to the establishment. THEY are the ones who are supposed to say when artists get to be artists or writers get to be read or filmmakers get to be seen.

They don't like it when we go around the established rules, which they worked so hard to win at, and just show our stuff and put it up for sale, and actually sell things.

How dare we claim to be artists when we haven't been blessed with an MFA and gallery representation!

Posted at 8:38pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

I think you need to give us the address to Ornament and let's all write letters. It doesn't matter if they print themor not. Let's slam their mailbox with protests!! I may not be the most fabulos of jewelry makers, but there are some very amazing artist here on Etsy!! Give us their address!!

Posted at 8:39pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

wildmagic avatar
wildmagic says

I got a sale in my other shop from a reader of the New Yorker. :)

Posted at 8:40pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT

This kind of attitude has been going on forever.
It is the difference between academy trained artists and folk art.
Guess what; folk art is the one that actually defines society, times, trends and the real world.

There is a place for both, but it does not mean that one is better than the other. Merit is not the point here.

Posted at 8:41pm Mar 31, 2009 EDT