Differing Political Opinions Part 11

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ManicManx says

Or YOUR body

Posted at 5:19pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

If anyone wants to ban that film for being lousy art i will be the first in line.

Posted at 5:20pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

LocoBead says

crazybeads says:
crazybeads says:
folks...please investigate more...

there were clear signage about the mature content...it wasn't open to 'all ages' kinda display in the middle of it all...

just like you aren't forced to take your child to an r-rated movie at a public theater, neither was this installation being foisted on any innocents...

tax payers DIDN'T PAY FOR THIS!

ps: nice censorship...

---and in fact, it seems that the only thing being protested was one 4 minute video...so, nice of the government to threaten the funding, threaten an audit and the like over such a small item...at the prompting of groups with very specific agendas...
I'm going to weigh in on this. The federally funded (70%) Smithsonian can be likened to "my place." Each and every tax payer can consider it so...correct? Well, in my own home I have censorship rights...if it offends me, it is not allowed in my home. So, therefore, the public should have the right to say what should not be displayed. Do libraries stock Penthouse, Hustler, or worse? No? Is that censorship? No...it's common sense.

Posted at 5:30pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

"Is that censorship? No...it's common sense."

Wow. more about the artist who was banned in America this week:

Posted at 5:36pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

LocoBead says

potatopotato says:
"Is that censorship? No...it's common sense."

Wow. more about the artist who was banned in America this week:
Was he seriously banned in America? Come on...any private gallery can show his work, can't they? Maybe the Smithsonian should have an Etsy display.

Posted at 5:46pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

When the government threatens to pull funding then yes, it was banned in America. the piece was taken down. and in my opinion the video was lousy. but hardly offensive.

Posted at 5:53pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

potatopotato says:
When the government threatens to pull funding then yes, it was banned in America. the piece was taken down. and in my opinion the video was lousy. but hardly offensive.

----*vote goes to the potato!*

Posted at 5:57pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

so, no response in regards to very specific groups having issue with this video?

Posted at 6:00pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

and obviously having very powerful political pull (i'm thinking the short hairs) in order to get things to the point of auditing the freakin' smithsonian!?!?!?

be thankful my wine consumption was stopped at 3 tonight due to an empty bottle...

Posted at 6:01pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

ManicManx says


Oh wait. I already said that.

Posted at 6:12pm Dec 1, 2010 EST