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....I hear tar and feathers actually really injured the people and could even kill them, because the tar was really hot.

Posted at 11:15pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

KiWiCuties says

So is syrup and feathers the gentler solution?

Posted at 11:17pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT


It's gets in the eyes and scratches something, terrible.

Posted at 11:18pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

Yes, syrup or honey. and make her go outside, so the bugs get her. At least noone is being doused with boiling grits[which noone should ever do unless they want to be booked for assault or attempted murder]

Posted at 11:21pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

oooo, i was just watching John Adams, and they tarred and feathered a dude... it was not good... i think it killed people sometimes. just sayin' probably NOT on the tar and feather action.

i also just watched the season finale of the tudors.... that's all beheading, so i am guessing that's a little over the top too.

Posted at 11:24pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

Boiling grits?! You must be from Memphis!


Posted at 11:24pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

hey, don't make fun of people from the crazy part of the country!

Posted at 11:27pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

sophiecls says

Hey! My brother's name is Josh, and I'm not (usually) a bitch. We're not all bad, I swear!

Having said that, I agree with cass, too.

Posted at 11:29pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

yoboseiyo says

beth, ima come visit, and i'll put her in her place.

Posted at 11:30pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT

I lived in Memphis for several years. That's how I know about assault with a deadly breakfast.

OP, have you chosen a solution yet?

Posted at 11:30pm Jun 2, 2008 EDT