I'm so confused - some items being sold in the handmade category

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Tasha25 says

I stumbled across a gorgeous product from a seller a while ago. They had a really nice shop with similarly styled items. I figured I'd buy something from them sometime when I had more cash available.

But when I was browsing lately I kept stumbling across items that were pretty much identical to the one I'd seen and the other items in the shop. It's not just one case of somebody copying someone else. There are a ton of sellers I've seen selling this product. It's basically like they're all sourcing something from somewhere then putting it together and coming up with identical pieces - or nearly identical with a few minor changes.

I'm not sure how "allowed" this is? They're in the handmade category but some of the items are identical and others have a few changes... so they're kind of not really handmade, are they? I hope I'm making sense - I'm trying to be vague but I can explain more if it's allowed.

It's just really irking me because there I was thinking I'd found a lovely unique piece and then there's at least 20 different sellers with the same items or very similar. I'm not sure what the policy on any of it is.

I hope this belongs here, I wasn't sure where else to put it. :)

Posted at 12:44pm Nov 9, 2010 EST


artaltered says


Posted at 12:44pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

yep! we are overrun with resellers!

Posted at 12:45pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

FashionCandy avatar
FashionCandy says

This is such a broad question that it's really hard to answer.

Posted at 12:46pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

Angela Curtis avatar
aandboriginals says

they are hand assembled, if they are put together by the seller, which is allowed to be sold here.

Posted at 12:46pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

troubled avatar
troubled says

it's not allowed but Etsy likes to give the impression that it is because they don't want to take action.

Posted at 12:46pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

All you can do is flag the item and send links to the others.

Posted at 12:46pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

FashionCandy avatar
FashionCandy says

If the items truly are identical, it's possibly a case of reselling.

But if the items have minor changes or differences, it might just be coincidence.

Posted at 12:46pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

it really depends on what exactly you are talking about, and you really cant go into detail here.

for example- 20 different sellers could buy the same mass produced hat, and add a flower to it. some might be the same flower, or some different, and that would be allowed

Posted at 12:47pm Nov 9, 2010 EST

smacshop says

You have only just begun, Tasha. "Unique" is starting to get more and more rare, sadly.

Posted at 12:49pm Nov 9, 2010 EST