Team Bacon! treasure hunt begins today!

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MABjewelry says

Welcome to the Team Bacon! Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt! The clues for this fun, bacony game will run from today, Monday, November 22, through next Monday, November 29. The 15% off discount will be useable in participating shops from Monday, November 29, through Sunday, December 5. We will post two clues a day each day, except for Thanksgiving Day, when everyone will be signed off their computer eating turkey and pie (and bacon), and watching football.

For each clue you get correct, you will get a code for 1% off all listings in participating Team Bacon! members' shops. There will be two clues per day for seven days, for a total of fourteen possible points. Plus, we're giving you one extra point for Thanksgiving Day. So, you can get a total of fifteen points for up to 15% off in the shops listed below. What a great deal!

Participating shops:

How it works:
1. Find the answer to each of the two clues listed per day, from today through next Monday. All listings are tagged with teambacon (one word) to help you narrow down your search.
2. Email your answers to our Team Bacon! contest email: teambaconcontest [!at] Your answers need to include the number of the clue you're answering, and the correct listing number or link. You can email your answers as you go, or wait and email all of your answers at once.
3. You will get a 1% discount in participating shops for each correct answer. Everyone who plays will get an additional 1% discount for Thanksgiving Day, when there will be no clues given.
4. After you email your answers, you will receive a code to put in the Notes to Seller box when you check out from the participating shops. This code will let the seller/team member know to give you the correct percentage discount. All discounts will be given via Paypal refund after you have checked out and paid through Etsy's checkout process.
5. You can use the 15% off discount in as many participating shops as you like.
6. The clues will be posted from Monday, November 22 through Monday, November 29. The sale will run from Monday, November 29 through midnight, Sunday, December 5.

Please convo any questions to MABjewelry or kitchenkitsch.

Okay, read, set. . . go! And enjoy all of the yummy goodness of Team Bacon!

Posted at 8:38am Nov 22, 2010 EST


MABjewelry says

And here are your first two clues!

1) Look for the Team Bacon! listing for a red sea creature that will hug your Christmas tree with tentacles.

2) Look for the Team Bacon! listing with vintage heavenly creatures you can top your little cakes with.

Posted at 8:39am Nov 22, 2010 EST

oohhhhh FUN!

Posted at 8:44am Nov 22, 2010 EST

earn discounts!

Posted at 8:50am Nov 22, 2010 EST

MABjewelry says

Hunt for fabulous treasure!

Posted at 8:52am Nov 22, 2010 EST

This is going to be fun!

Posted at 9:09am Nov 22, 2010 EST

Discounts just waiting for you to seize them!

Posted at 9:11am Nov 22, 2010 EST

kittyd says

So cool! :)

Posted at 9:11am Nov 22, 2010 EST

MABjewelry says

Up to 15% off in fantastic participating Team Bacon! shops!

Posted at 9:12am Nov 22, 2010 EST

Discounts are awesome!

Posted at 9:14am Nov 22, 2010 EST