ADMIN - No new account confirmation email????

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Not to add salt to the wound but....

Two people have contacted me via email saying that they are trying to get an account so they can buy some purses of mine, but they don't get the confirmation email and the Etsy site tells them that user name already exists.

I explained that the site was experiencing heavy traffic and it may just be slow. Anything else I should pass along to these prospective buyers?

Posted at 5:40pm Jun 27, 2006 EDT


All emails are being sent out promptly, reguardless of site traffic. You can run them through some of the email troubleshooting in this thread:

Posted at 5:43pm Jun 27, 2006 EDT

The previously mentioned people who want to buy my bags still have not gotten a verification email. Three days in a row they have requested a duplicate email with no results. They are on different mail systems and they have checked for filters and in junk mail folders.

Admin- please, please, please try creating a new account with a yahoo or hotmail address and see if it works for you.

Posted at 4:27pm Jun 29, 2006 EDT

We have tested sending mail to several accounts, and it works fine. We can't troubleshoot issues with outside email providers like Yahoo, however, as we have no control over what they do with our mail once we send it out.

Posted at 5:47pm Jun 29, 2006 EDT

Just want to add that a friend (not on Yahoo or Hotmail, but on her servers email system) who signed up today also never recieved her confirmation email.

Posted at 8:09pm Jun 29, 2006 EDT

I should say "...who tried to sign up" today...

Posted at 8:10pm Jun 29, 2006 EDT

I have two people who have tried to buy something from my site and haven't been able to set up their accounts. Same problem as listed below--never received confirmation emails, despite requesting it to be resent multiple times. One of these people has consistently checked his email for 24 hours waiting for the confirmation and has still not received it.

This is extremely frustrating to those of us who are actually trying to sell things on this site. Most buyers aren't determined enough to deal with these kinds of enduring problems and us sellers are losing potential business. Please fix this problem!!! Buying and selling is the whole purpose of this site and if it can't happen in an effective manner, the mission of Etsy (which is awesome and should be successful) is not being achieved.


Posted at 1:50am Jun 30, 2006 EDT

MaxiB says

I have also tried setting up a new account today in order to sell goods under my product/selling name. I wasn't planning to this originally when I set up a while back but my situation has now changed. If I could just change my current user name I would do that instead but that appears not to be possible.

I did not receive a confirmation email and my email is hosted on a server which my partner runs so I can't see a problem there. I really want to start selling things through Etsy and this is really holding me back. It concerns me slightly that people have been trying to re-submit their email over a number of days. How can this be rectified?

Please advise how the new shop can be set up, as the details (apart from confirmation email) are now in your system. Is there a way you can activate the accounts manually if we send you the new account information?


Posted at 5:45am Jun 30, 2006 EDT

scarfguy says

RD says:
"We can't troubleshoot issues with outside email providers like Yahoo, however, as we have no control over what they do with our mail once we send it out."

That's BS, RD. With all the threads regarding lost emails recently, clearly there is a problem. You can't keep passing the buck on this issue. Do an Arin lookup on Yahoo, get the contact info, call the Yahoo tech, and do some joint testing until you figure out the problem!

Posted at 8:41am Jun 30, 2006 EDT

MaxiB says

Well as I said I have total control over what happens to my email as the server is in-house and I am still having a problem setting up a new account. So the Yahoo thing is totally irrelevant.

Posted at 8:49am Jun 30, 2006 EDT