did not get transactions email from a sale

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Original Post

i always get an email from transactions@etsy.com when i sell something, but this time i sold a bag of lavender and i found out becasue i got a paypal email when it was paid for by the buyer. and my email notification is NOT turned OFF for conversations, becasue i got one today. hmmm, is this a bug?

Posted at 11:19am May 22, 2006 EDT


Your email was sent out right away, so something must be blocking it on your end. Check your spam folder and be sure to add etsy.com to your list of trusted sites.

If this does not work, you should contact your email provider to find out what sort of filters they are placing on your email.

Posted at 11:24am May 22, 2006 EDT

I didn't get all of mine either and I have been getting mine regularly. In fact, I got the first three last night of 14, and the others haven't shown up. Looks like an etsy problem, not a provider problem.

Posted at 3:08pm May 22, 2006 EDT

I've checked our logs, and the emails to both of you were sent and received by your providers.

Posted at 4:53pm May 22, 2006 EDT

Have you guys checked your Spam file ? The first time I bought on etsy - four items - only the first email came thru and the other three were in my spam file! So, make sure you check that from time to time.

Posted at 6:07pm May 22, 2006 EDT

I had this same problem on the 20th too. Not a spam issue. ?

Posted at 6:20pm May 22, 2006 EDT

ive sold almost 20 items so far, and ive gotten the email all the other times. i know it goes to junkmail. im aware of that. i also got an email today when i sold another one. i reallly dont know why it did that, i reallly think it was a glitch. but the etsy guy said it was my fault, so who knows.

Posted at 7:52pm May 22, 2006 EDT

ebbandflo says

i didn't get my very first item sold email either (yeah yeah admin - i'm still going on and on about it!) but i think it's part of the etsy "baptism by fire, none but the bravest shall pass" type initiation rite of passage.
and PS: i still haven't received that first email but i'm over it



Posted at 1:12am May 23, 2006 EDT

I've sold two bracelets and got the notification about the transactions but Paypal has not received the transaction. I contacted Etsy but I'm not getting any help. Paypay said problem was not on their end. Anyone else had this problem?

Posted at 9:01am May 23, 2006 EDT

Etsy transactions are *not* automatically handed off to PayPal -- we only provide a link to the buyer in their receipt email which they can choose to use at their leisure. You should contact your buyer and make sure that they have paid.

Posted at 11:45am May 23, 2006 EDT