Do Polymer Clay Charms Sell Well?

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I'm thinking about selling some polymer clay charms in my shop but i don't know if they sell well. for those of you who sell charms, what do you think? Is it worth it?

Geposted um 15:43 21. Jan 2011 EST


if they're cute, i'm sure they do!

Geposted um 15:51 21. Jan 2011 EST

ad87 sagt

While I've only attempted to sell a handful on here, I know for a fact that in general they do. Just finding the right niche is the key. A lot of those that have sold seem to be the kawaii-type (mini foods, animals, etc.).

Geposted um 18:25 21. Jan 2011 EST

I just started making them and they're not currently selling but then again nothing in my shop is. However I've seen a lot of other shops that do relatively well.

Geposted um 18:32 21. Jan 2011 EST

partsbync sagt

I don't think charms in general are selling right now. But I'm sure if you find the right buyer they will. Though I'm still awaiting mine...

Geposted um 18:50 21. Jan 2011 EST

I sell charms ok. Most people come into my store for the bigger sculptures, but will sometimes add a charm as well.

I do find that a lot of people hold back from buying them because they are unsure of polymer clay's endurance and think it will break easily on a phonestrap or keychain. Almost all of mine sell as necklaces.

Geposted um 19:15 21. Jan 2011 EST