What can I do? I cut up my credit cards and I use debit and paypal

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DBeadery says

Yes, I canceled them and paid them off! :^D

Posted at 00:23 14 Nov, 2008 EST

CoryellDesign avatar
CoryellDesign says

Wow. That was some amazing simul-posting. What Capemaysaid.

Posted at 00:23 14 Nov, 2008 EST

moxy says

If you haven't cancelled the cards yet keep them active. It's bad for your credit if you close the account, in most cases. I collect credit cards. Most have a ZERO balance and I pull them out every 6 months and buy $30 gas and pay it within a couple days online.

But yes, for fees I use a Paypal debit card.

Posted at 00:23 14 Nov, 2008 EST

keykalou says

You can order a PayPal debit card and then put that in your etsy profile and delete your old cc #. Then you can pay your fees with it.

Posted at 00:25 14 Nov, 2008 EST

DBeadery says

Thank you for all the helpful and valuable advice! <S>

That's a load off.

Posted at 00:25 14 Nov, 2008 EST

moxy says

You should keep them open. I have 6 cards with zero balance but they show up as a positive mark on my credit report.

Posted at 00:26 14 Nov, 2008 EST

Wow thats awesome, i just got the paypal debit card, and i didn't quite realize that we could pay our etsy fees with paypal. That makes a lot more sense seeing as thats where all of my etsy money is.

Posted at 00:26 14 Nov, 2008 EST

moxy says:
You should keep them open. I have 6 cards with zero balance but they show up as a positive mark on my credit report.
I was just about to say that lol. Cancelled accounts (especially multiples at once) is a red-flag. If you don't intend to use them, they should be closed one by one slowly. When I worked for Zales and issued lines of credit, I was once told by their crediting company (CitiBank) that leaving open lines of credit can also decrease the amount you can be approved for in future cards as well as loans. He said they're afraid you would suddenly run those cards up again since you have that spending potential leaving any new cards/loans unable to be paid.

I have two cards I just paid off and I'm keeping them open, at least one of them open for a little while.

Posted at 00:34 14 Nov, 2008 EST

PolkaTotDecor avatar
PolkaTotDecor says

My visa debit card works fine. Sorry I'm not much help.

Posted at 00:37 14 Nov, 2008 EST

distinque says

I believe debit is fine.

Posted at 00:47 14 Nov, 2008 EST