What do you serve at jewelry parties?

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Feille sagt

The only reason I say no alcohol is because people may be driving, but wine spritzers is good. Hope you can take cc, alcohol and cc are a good combination!

If you're selling and a friend is letting you use her place, you should buy the food.

Geposted um 19:34 18. Jul 2010 EDT

I was joking about the alcohol LOL

Geposted um 19:41 18. Jul 2010 EDT

Nyne avatar
BrillianceFound sagt

When I do my parties, it usually works that the hostess supplies the finger food/location in exchange for free jewelry from me.
If I am hosting the party myself, then I bring the food (of course). In the past I have served wine/cheese, french bread/spinach dip, fruit plates, crackers/cold cuts, desserts.. depending on the time of year & the time of day I'm hosting it.

I think food/drinks is a great idea because it helps people feel less pressure to buy.. which leads to more purchases/jewelry party bookings in the end :)

Geposted um 19:42 18. Jul 2010 EDT

My favorite is cream cheese with jalepeno pepper jelly and crackers! yum!

Geposted um 19:42 18. Jul 2010 EDT

BeadWire sagt

I did tea - I served hot and iced tea and scones, finger sandwiches, cookies, tiny tarts. More work, but well-received. But I did my own open house and it was during the day on the weekend.

Geposted um 19:44 18. Jul 2010 EDT

I absolutely serve WINE! AND sparkling juice, and Raspberry tea, coffee.
Little finger foods that don't crumble and are tasty like cheese, olives, grapes, veggies, etc.... and a brie!

I've done a couple of jewelry parties and they were both super fun, laid back and everyone had a blast. The age range was 28-60, incidently!
Good luck :)

Geposted um 19:44 18. Jul 2010 EDT

Feille says:
Cheese and crackers, fruit, a cut-up cake. I wouldn't do alcohol, maybe apple cider, or fruit juice mixed with 7-up.

Can I come?
I would TOTALLY do alcohol... few glasses of wine and the pocket book loosens and you just have to have that bracelet lol Works at pampered chef parties with bowls!

Geposted um 19:47 18. Jul 2010 EDT

Jessica avatar
vintagehomerecycled sagt

Yes to alcohol, sangria would be perfect for summer. Cheese & crackers, olives, nuts, or maybe fruit cups/parfaits.

Geposted um 19:53 18. Jul 2010 EDT

Patti avatar
Oceankisses sagt

The hostess should decide what to serve at her party. General suggestions: punch, water, coffee to drink (fairly cheap) and to eat: maybe something non-greasy so you don't get the jewelry gummed up...let's see...like grapes and maybe cake that you can serve on paper plates and use plastic-ware so no dishes!

Geposted um 19:53 18. Jul 2010 EDT


normally when I do parties the hostess supplies all the snacks. Sometimes just cheese crackers fruit cookies etc and I just bring the jewelry but they get free jewelry for having the party and the more that is sold at the party the more free stuff they get. So they normally want to turn it into a fun party with food.

Geposted um 19:54 18. Jul 2010 EDT