Promotional Frenzy Thread - Gain Exposure NOW!

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galla15 dit

******** GIVEAWAY *********** GIVEAWAY ************

-------------- SWAROVSKI RING GIVEAWAY -------------


Treasure Hunt Contest!

Publié le 23:52 16 janv. 2011 EST

Bonnie Hutchinson avatar
bountyofbeads dit

Following those who just posted your twitter links, seeing so many familiar names and faces now on twitter. How fun. Long day here and I am ready for bed. See you all tomorrow at the BNR.

Publié le 23:52 16 janv. 2011 EST

galla15 dit

Moma: You haven't been called a spam terd as far as you know YET


Publié le 23:52 16 janv. 2011 EST

galla15 dit

I need to find that list Petite started with all of our tumblr and kaboodle links!!!

Publié le 23:53 16 janv. 2011 EST

galla15 dit

Does anyone have that handy or wanna help page through the last thread to find it?

Publié le 23:53 16 janv. 2011 EST

Lisa............on Tuesday morning, come to this thread and post your shop name at the bottom of the list and list 1 item that you want promoted. then all during the day other shops will do the same. Then at 9pm or sometimes earlier, we go through the list and facebook, tweet, tumblr, stumble uppon ot whatever and prmote everyone's one item. It's great exposure and gives you lots of views on that item.

Publié le 23:53 16 janv. 2011 EST

MOMA.... I told you the next person who calls you a "spam terd" is gonna hear from me. I am not violent, but a nice size 10 shoe may change their mind about calling you a 'spam terd" again. LOL.

Publié le 23:54 16 janv. 2011 EST

TY Gala. I love those swirly twirly scarves. I have promoted the heck out of them.

Publié le 23:55 16 janv. 2011 EST

Followed you guys on twitter!
Good night now see you tomorrow!

Publié le 23:55 16 janv. 2011 EST

rtbfFirstName8155648 rtbfLastName8155648 avatar
rtbfLoginName8155648 dit

galla I'm going to enter, just have not had time yet

Publié le 23:55 16 janv. 2011 EST