Crafting connections

Photo by Daryl Kirchner

Fostering real-world connections

Etsy Teams are a central part of our thriving global community of sellers. Sellers can search for and join relevant groups on our teams hub, where they can share information and get advice and inspiration from peers. Many teams also work together to promote their shops and organize pop-up shops and craft markets.

Etsy Teams

  • In 2014 there were more than 10,000 Etsy Teams around the world, with roughly 2.5 million total members (many sellers belong to more than one team).

  • More than 1,800 sellers belong to Captains’ Quarters, a team designed to offer a place for Captains and Leaders of Etsy Teams to share leadership advice and support.

  • Etsy supported 226 team events around the world in 2014.

  • Etsy’s long-standing Teams Fellowship program provided 371 team captains and leaders worldwide with resources to help their teams thrive.

Photo by Daryl Kirchner

Closer look: Etsy Teams Fellowship

Through a mix of project guides and one-on-one coaching, Etsy’s Teams Fellowship program offers guidance on a wide range of topics requested by team captains and leaders, including managing a team for the first time and planning events and cooperative promotions. After participating in the program in 2014, Catherine Bolick, leader of Team NORGA in Georgia, held her first local Etsy workshop for 20 members. Bolick is just one great example of how empowering team captains and leaders has had a ripple effect throughout the Etsy community.

Bringing commerce to life

The true magic of Etsy lies in the personal connections formed between sellers and buyers. We are working to take these special interactions offline by facilitating in-person transactions that strengthen the Etsy community and neighborhood economies.

Sofie, owner of BonjourPoupette
  • We launched an Etsy-branded credit card reader that syncs with our mobile shop management app, making it easy for sellers to accept credit card payments in person and to manage in-person and online sales cohesively.

  • We expanded Etsy Local: a platform that connects sellers and buyers through events like craft fairs and markets. Sellers can use the platform to post and join in-person shopping events, helping them get more business. Buyers can find upcoming events in their area where they can connect with their favorite sellers, and meet new sellers. Learn More

  • We piloted a system to make sure buyers know about opportunities to connect with their favorite sellers in-person by sending mobile notifications of upcoming events nearby mobile phones.

In the next year we will continue exploring new ways our products can increase in-person connections between our members.