
There's nothing like that five-star shine

Reviews inspire buyer confidence and improve shop credibility. Happy customers are worth their weight in gold leaf transfer sheets.

Buyers who've had five-star experiences can attach photos of their purchase in action.

Reviews highlight shops’ personal touches and offer ideas for improvement.

By sharing review photos on social media, buyers will help Etsy businesses grow.

Buyers tell their stories

Buyers rate their purchases on a five-star scale, and can add personal comments about their experience. Shop owners can respond to and resolve any review of three stars or less. A shop’s average review is based on all scores in the past twelve months.

Buyers tell their stories

Buyers rate their purchases on a five-star scale, and can add personal comments about their experience. Shop owners can respond to and resolve any review of three stars or less. A shop’s average review is based on all scores in the past twelve months.

Photos of five-star items

Buyers using our mobile app are invited to add photos of items they’ve given five-stars. More photos of items “in the wild” can help shoppers decide to buy. Shop owners can remove unflattering or offensive photos from their reviews.

Happy buyers spread the word

When a buyer adds a photo to their five-star review, we’ll ask them to share it with their social network. This digital word-of-mouth will help shop owners reach hundreds of potential buyers with each share.

Happy buyers spread the word

When a buyer adds a photo to their five-star review, we’ll ask them to share it with their social network. This digital word-of-mouth will help shop owners reach hundreds of potential buyers with each share.

Want to be a five-star shop?

Ship quickly

Stay in close convo-contact

Add notes to shipping notifications requesting feedback

Photo credits

Photos featuring items from shops:
FabParlor, Tomorrowisforever, WitandBloom, BearandBirdshop and AdornmentsNYC

Photos surrounding iPhone and Android devices provided by (left to right):
Kelly C., Allie A., Amber D., Greg A., and Tim H.

More info and support

Buyers use Etsy’s five-star review system (one being the lowest and five being the highest) to review their purchases. When a buyer can leave a review is based on the estimated delivery date of the order and expires 60 calendar days from that date. You can see your reviews by going to Your Shop > Shop Settings > Shop Reviews. Learn more about Etsy’s review system here