anyone in the Cleveland area? volume 2

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A blast!

We swapped, sold and gave away leftovers to clean out our clutter, but mostly we bonded!

Posted at 8:43pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

Gilt says

aaaah. It sounds like a great time, and a very productive reason for a party.

Posted at 8:49pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

ReneeSuich says

And we all ended up taking home more stuff than we walked in with,,

Thanks Lori for being a great hostess,,
and Thanks Ramona for the beautiful pendant,
and Smashing,,,the star ornaments,,very thoughtful.

This is a great group of sharing people,,
I'm looking forward to the next get together.

And the food,,,it was an afternoon of grazing!!!

Posted at 9:06pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

HiAnnie says

Hurry up and get here Copper Day, you all are making me so jealous!

Glad you had fun!

Posted at 9:53pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

sajslaby says

Awesome bag, Annie! I am jealous, Petite!!!

Posted at 9:55pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

monaco says

sounds like you all had a great day!! That's terrific!!! I'm jealous....

Posted at 9:55pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

smashing says

bllaaahahahhhaaaah! i had soooo much fun! i'm uploading the pics to cleveland handmade's flickr account so we can all see them (ooops forgot to have someone take my picture, darn!)

i cannot believe how freaking awesome all of you are!! (even those that weren't there today!) i feel like i'm 10 and at cedar point! for realllls! :)

thanks so much lori! your home is ubersweet and your hospitality is too! ramona thanks for the pendant! thanks so much to everyone who generously gave stuff to me and to the red brick basket! dude you all rock so hard!

Posted at 10:11pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

monaco says

cool photos smashing... thanks for letting us be there, if only vicariously!!!

Posted at 10:33pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT

smashing says

i wish i would have taken more! but i was too busy talking and eating (as usual!) :)

Posted at 10:39pm Sep 29, 2007 EDT