Differing Political Opinions Part 11

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"----i find your avi disturbingly provocative..."

i could put a wig on it.

Posted at 4:45pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

noraArt says

Fox News channel dominates November ratings. Again.


Posted at 4:45pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

Note, the whole quote is from Tiffany Bridge not just the second part.

Posted at 4:46pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

potatopotato says:
"----i find your avi disturbingly provocative..."

i could put a wig on it.

------*thinking about the moral and spiritual implications of that*

what kinda wig?

Posted at 4:47pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

noraArt says:
Fox News channel dominates November ratings. Again.


----the enquirer is a top seller as well, in the print media...

Posted at 4:47pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

noraArt says

...the spiritual effects of the gradual decay

I got lost after this Potato.

Posted at 4:48pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

"Although the “Hide/Seek” exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution opened on October 30th, it didn’t start generating national outrage until CNS News published a lengthy and detailed review on Monday."

these nuts obviously do not go to see art, so why would they care?

Posted at 4:51pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

“This is not the first time the Smithsonian has offended us. I’m going to cast the net much wider. Why should the government pay for this? How dare they take our money to fund attacks on (our religion)?”

Bill Donohue of the Catholic League

The Smithsonian? really. grow a little skin my friend.

Posted at 4:58pm Dec 1, 2010 EST

ManicManx says


Except when it comes to art.

Posted at 5:06pm Dec 1, 2010 EST