Sundance Jewelry

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Much more than 2000 items a year.

Posted at 9:53pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

I've seen the catalog, and I like some of their pieces. I'd rather have my stuff compared to their items than stuff I see at WalMart. There is a big mark-up with companies like Sundance because there are so many hands in the cookie jar.

To be honest, I'm glad there are high-priced venues like Sundance. It makes it easier for small artists like me, to justify my prices (which are lower) to new customers.

I can't tell you how frustrating it is for me to sell something wholesale to a store for $20, and then to see them sell it for $50 within a week. I could never get that sold at such a mark up in such a short time.

I like wholesale orders, but only if they buy alot. Also, mass production of one item really kills the fun out of making things for me.

Posted at 10:00pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

faerwear says

i've been "following" the sundance catalog for years - i have had a lot of "sundance"-style clientele and rather like it, myself. they are supporting independent artists as well, and people buy what they present. as well - in my mind, well alright if people pay those higher prices! it shows that it CAN be done.

following sundance is what made me realize i was never going to be a good wholesaler - tho i do it, i almost HATE making the same thing more than a few times.

Posted at 10:01pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

faerwear says

erm... how many times can i say "as well" in one paragraph? sheesh... guess who hasn't had her internet in ten days.

Posted at 10:06pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

I love the Sundance jewelry catalog. Their jewelry photography is so inspirational. And the fact that there are "big names" in handmade jewelry--like Jes MaHarry, Melissa Joy Manning and Dana Kellin--keeps me hoping :)

Posted at 10:23pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

I dont know how people can make the same thing twice much less more than 2000 but if you can more power to you!

Posted at 10:57pm Nov 27, 2007 EST

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

i've been "following" the sundance catalog for years - i have had a lot of "sundance"-style clientele


Me, too. I think they may find me through Google searches.

Posted at 10:01am Nov 28, 2007 EST

I have Sundance cattys from years ago that I still look through, torn pages and all...

I keep filling out the form on their site but for some reason, they wont send me a catty anymore.... :-(


Posted at 12:38pm Nov 28, 2007 EST