You can't ship jewelry to Singapore?!

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Triplelle says

"Jewelry" is on the prohibited list for sending via USPS to many, many countries. If you read the fine print on the regulations, it indicates they mean "fine jewelry" of high cost/value, such as diamonds and gold. Even then, it's more because they can't guarantee the safety, not because it's illegal or anything.

I generally write "Costume Jewelry". There are a few countries where I'll write either "accessories" or "Fashion Accessory", having had bad luck sending things there in the past.

Posted at 2:29am Jan 26, 2008 EST

Why can't you ship back an item of jewelry to Indonesia from the United States

Posted at 6:16pm Oct 12, 2017 EDT

Hi I have shipped to jewellery to Singapore without issue. If its costume it should be fine. Its when its comes down to certain gemstones and that country's regulations its an issue, like USA and certain jade/rubies.

Posted at 6:21pm Oct 12, 2017 EDT

Roxanne Mendoza from ColoredInStone says
Edited on Oct 12, 2017

Whenever I get a sale from a new country I always search online for Import regulations. I have a regular customer from Singapore and have never had a problem shipping jewelry, however, I send as "Agate Jewelry". The link, below, is the Singapore customs import page. Nowhere, that I can find, do they prohibit jewelry.

Posted at 6:26pm Oct 12, 2017 EDT

NINE YEAR OLD THREAD, folks. Not much point in answering the OP.

Posted at 8:07pm Oct 12, 2017 EDT

Regina says

Well, this is one for the ages! I'll close it up.

Posted at 10:57am Oct 13, 2017 EDT

Hmm, I don't know about jewelry, but I've sent a wishing well there and had absolutely no issues :)

Posted at 11:14am Oct 13, 2017 EDT

Lauren from TheArtofCrossStitch says
Edited on Oct 13, 2017

Eeks self deleted

Posted at 11:42am Oct 13, 2017 EDT

I have shipped jewelry to Singapore and I did not have a problem.

Posted at 11:53am Oct 13, 2017 EDT