Who was the first to FART in your relationship?

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Him but now after 25 years , it's no big deal it's who ever and when ever. At the first though I would go and hide. Everybody farts so....

Posted at 7:28pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

yoboseiyo says

yay farts!

Posted at 7:29pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

*raises hand*
It was me, I got tired of my belly hurting.

Posted at 7:29pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

cwebster says

In the last relationship, my SO. She farted like a sailor. I also had a female friend fart on me while we were sleeping together. (Platonically, of course.)

Posted at 7:30pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

rowdyharv says

Ha ha, fartfest!

Posted at 7:31pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

I love that slight awkwardness when it first happens. No one knows what to do.

It happened with my best friend too. I was the first to do it around her, and we just cracked up laughing. Then I started doing it when we were in public and blaming it on her.

Posted at 7:31pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

My DH is from a family of nuclear farters, so naturally he was the first...nowadays, he just comes up to me holding out his index finger for me to pull....

Posted at 7:32pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

Oh Sweet...did it hurt from holding it in? That's the WORST.

Posted at 7:32pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

me always, bad stomach

Posted at 7:32pm Nov 30, 2008 EST

I am sure it was hubby who farted first. Now farting is commonplace in our house. Sometimes he wakes me up in the morning by farting so loud while he is sleeping. How does it not wake him up?!?!?!!

Posted at 7:37pm Nov 30, 2008 EST