Maine Team CHAT Thread - March 28 to April 4 2010

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my vote is for pizza uno! and 5 sounds perfect!

the lumberjack informed me that he signed up for cpr/first aid class on wednesday, so it looks like i'll have the girls with me (which is why i vote for pizza:) hopefully they'll behave themselves long enough for me to be able to hang out!

WOOT WOOT on the grant...and on being on the Community page for a bit!

hannah...everything okay? why are you sore?

Posted at 9:35pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT

thanks for the treasury spot jenna! love it!

Posted at 9:37pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT

5 at Pizza Uno good for me though there is a chance something might prevent me from making it, little bit up in the air on a few things until I hear back from a few people about a few things. Hopefully it will all time out right.
Nikki- I hope I don't make Willa cry again!
I got Sunday night blues but I am quite confident I'll be better in am.
Ever sell something and then have a hard time finding it? Scary

Posted at 9:52pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT

Tell me when for Brunswick!!

Posted at 10:00pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT

beckyrose says

Sarah, when I realize something is missing that's how I KNOW I'm going to sell it. No joke. I've had it happen twice. Luckily I've managed to find the item both times, but only after frantically tearing apart my room.

Posted at 10:58pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT

rtbfFirstName1633 rtbfLastName1633 avatar
rtbfLoginName1633 says

Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch

Posted at 11:13pm Mar 28, 2010 EDT


Posted at 5:35am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

PsAndQs says

morning! i woke up feeling a cold coming on... weh

Posted at 6:05am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

sosqueakyclean avatar
sosqueakyclean says

mornin gang, woke up to white stuff on the ground, made me wanna roll over n go back to sleep. Then, it's supposed to be in the 70s by next weekend? what the flip...auurgh.
Have a wonderful day all!

Posted at 6:51am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Morning, everyone. My cold has moved from my throat to my sinuses.

Yay for team grants and yay for 70's on the weekend.

I am down for 5:00 at Pizzeria Uno in Bangor. I'll be there with bells on!

Jes's contest got my creative juices flowing again and I'm already working on something. Thanks for that, Jes.

And welcome new members, even though I have already welcomed you! :0)

Posted at 6:56am Mar 29, 2010 EDT