Maine Team CHAT Thread - March 28 to April 4 2010

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Morning everyone. I think I saw that Dory was up in the County with her family for Easter. Pancakes sound good.

Still sick and I had a very rough weekend. I was feeling very sorry for myself (still am a bit) and actually had the thought that if I was going to always be sick and never able to do stuff, what was the point? I can say that here because I know you guys are my friends.

anyway, I feel a bit better, mentally at least and this is why: over the weekend I had TWO emails from Vasculitis patients, one who lives right here in Maine. It was actually the mother of a young girl who is going through a bad flare and needs support. She's in Southern Maine but I told her mom we could email if she wanted. So somebody's reading my blog anyway.

Well, have a good day everyone. I'm going to call my doctor's office again and see if they will put me on antibiotics yet.

Posted at 7:01am Apr 5, 2010 EDT

PsAndQs says

Lisa--so sorry :( I think its super cool that you are educating and supporting others about what you are going through!

Posted at 7:10am Apr 5, 2010 EDT

Lizzyoos says

Glad I didn't miss Cake hehehe Maybe we can have muffins this morning.

Lisa Living with a condition that affects you but dooes not show outwardly is tough. I know I hear all the time that I don't look sick... well maybe today I don't feel sick but tomorrow I could be in bed all day. I have been there done that with the feelings. It is tough when you have something that people can't see. This group is here for ya......

Posted at 7:13am Apr 5, 2010 EDT

morning everyone....
Lisa, hope you're feeling better soon!
have to go to the dreaded work place today.....argh....
Have a good day everyone!

Posted at 7:20am Apr 5, 2010 EDT

Sorry to leave you all hanging ladies! I was in The County and didn't get home till late with a cranky toddler... etc. So I'm starting the chat as we speak. I guess it's cake for breakfast?

Posted at 7:37am Apr 5, 2010 EDT