Maine Team CHAT Thread - March 28 to April 4 2010

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heroncovewoodcarving says

morning, wet and rainy one but at least not a spring blizzard, YET!!

Posted at 7:07am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

madderroot says

Hi All,

Hope your Mondays are all good ones!

Is the Bangor meeting on Wednesday (Pizzeria Uno, 5pm)?

Posted at 7:09am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

anabelfuzz says

Waaa! I never get the cake!

I can't make the Bangor get together. I wish I could, but I've got to take Katrina to dance class at 4:15 in SW Harbor. I'll be thinking of you guys! Maybe I can somehow convince Todd to leave work early and be on dance class duty.. Doubtful, but I'll do my best!

Posted at 7:10am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Good morning!

I won't be able to make it the Bangor get together either. Hope you all have fun!

I need to change my avatar...I finally got my hair chopped off. Woohoo! I blogged about it this morning:

Posted at 7:30am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

madderroot: YES! Wed, March 31st 5 pm at Pizzeria Uno. We are going to the one right by the mall? (I think that's the only one around, but just wanted to make sure...)

Bummer that you can't be there Kirsten!

Sara...i don't think you'll make Willa cry:)

love the short hair shannon!

Posted at 7:38am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

sara...hope you can still make it!

i sold a necklace once and couldn't find it and couldn't remember WHERE it went. luckily the buyer was so nice about it and picked a different one... and then i realized I sent it to a silent auction and forgot to take it out of my shop! yikes!

hope everyone with the sniffles feels better:)

bonnie...are you wearing yourself out trying to work too hard on your book? take a break!

just had to cancel a payment or communication. this was the first time i left bad feedback, because i'm tired of it!

Posted at 7:43am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

anabelfuzz says

Well, Evelyn just threw up out of the blue. Drat. Now the girls are upstairs watching a movie b/c today needs to be a productive day for me. I have gotten three wholesale convos lately and then no follow up until today. I think one shop may pull through. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Posted at 7:49am Mar 29, 2010 EDT


Posted at 8:03am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Lizzyoos says

Goodmorning team just stopping quick Welcome new members. I will take a peal at all the shops later. I am a new Grammy I posted her photo on Facebook! Chat with ya all later! Ava Lucille Kennedy 6 lbs 9oz 19 inches long!

Posted at 8:04am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Morning all!


Nikki-I'm fine, just getting to that part where everything is starting to settle...I think they call it the beached whale stage...Sometimes I think that I am further along than what the doc figured, but the ultra sound is even a week behind that...I also spent a good portion of this weekend scrubbing things on hands and knees. Guess I got my excerise at least.

Shannon, cute hair!

Posted at 8:11am Mar 29, 2010 EDT