"Bead Manager Pro"-Jewelry Business Management Software

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Hi DreamsandJewelry
Thanks for your input.
Can you tell me if quickbooks allows you to deduct beads from inventory and alert you when you are down to a few? I'm sure the bookkeeping and accounting part of quickbooks is awesome and that a lot of people use it but just wondering about inventory and how it works.

Feel free to convo me

Thanks :)

Posted at 12:25pm Oct 6, 2010 EDT

hi tesoro, i use bead pro manager and i can definitely recommend it to you. do not be deterred if you have a lot of stock. it is better to use a management program designed for jewelry designers than not. if you have a lot of stock just enter a bit in at a time. the benefits of being able to see when you are low on an item by setting alerts, keep track of vendors you regularly buy from and to price your items easily cannot be beat. i really like it and if you have any questions about the specifics of the software feel free to convo me.

Posted at 3:30pm Oct 6, 2010 EDT

TesoroDelSol said:
Hi DreamsandJewelry
Thanks for your input.
Can you tell me if quickbooks allows you to deduct beads from inventory and alert you when you are down to a few? I'm sure the bookkeeping and accounting part of quickbooks is awesome and that a lot of people use it but just wondering about inventory and how it works.

Feel free to convo me

Thanks :)

I use the manufacturing version of Quickbooks so I can assemble pieces from my inventory as well an as deduct. Becasue everything is all in one place (accounting and inventory) it can make life easier. :)


Posted at 4:30pm Oct 6, 2010 EDT

Oh wow DreamsandJewelry!
This sounds like a dream come true. I have never heard of this Quickbooks for manufacturing until now. Good to know. If BMP doesn't work out for me I will switch to Quickbooks. I'm going to check it out.


Posted at 1:00pm Oct 7, 2010 EDT

Melissa Curran avatar
beadedrelics says

I'm bumping this up to find out how you are all still linking Bead Manager Pro. I'm very seriously considering purchasing it either tonight or tomorrow morning -- before my next supply order arrives. Is it updated frequently? Do you get the upgrades automatically, or do you pay for upgrades? Does it work with 64 bit Windows 7?

Posted at 10:48pm Dec 6, 2010 EST

EncoreGems says

I use Bead Manager Pro, but on a Mac. I am having a lot of problems with it right now. I do like the program, but the all features are not working as advertised. The jury is still out. I do not know if you have to pay for upgrades, as there hasn't been one since I bought it over the summer. Would love to convo anyone that has used this product on a Mac, because I think it would be very helpful if I could get it to do a few simple thing.

Posted at 9:40am Dec 28, 2010 EST

ThePissedOffBride says
Edited on Oct 23, 2011

EncoreGems or Tesorodelsol:

I am thinking of buying BMP but can't find too many reviews (hence this old thread). I tried Jewelry design manager and didn't find it compatible with my mac. What do you think of Bead Manager Pro now that time has passed. Was it worth the purchase?

Posted at 8:53pm Oct 23, 2011 EDT

WOW I just happened to see this sitting in the Business forum about to log off. Okay well yes since this thread is over a year old I have been using it regularly ever since.

I really like it especially now that I have upgraded (it was a free upgrade). It's faster and more user friendly. I recommend it. I use a PC but it is compatible with MAC.

Keep in mind that with any sort of software that you get you will have to work hard to get info into it in order to get info out of it. For instance, I had THOUSANDS of beads and supplies to enter and it took me over 2 months every single day of adding all my supplies into Bead Manager Pro. But without doing that I would not have been able to build pieces or get my profit and loss reports or anything for that matter. So I'm not sure what you are starting out with but just be aware that it take a lot of work and time and PATIENCE to get started.

I love it though and it has helped me a great deal to stay organized and professional.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Posted at 9:00pm Oct 23, 2011 EDT

I've looked into it and decided it's just an overpriced version of Quickbooks. Software companies like to slap a specialty name on their version of Quickbooks and sensationalize it. I'll save my money. :)

Posted at 9:00pm Oct 23, 2011 EDT

Thanks Sandy! I have lots of tidbits to add in so I will expect this to take a while. :)

Posted at 9:03pm Oct 23, 2011 EDT