Zazzle vs Cafepress

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TStarCreations avatar
TStarCreations says

I use zazzle.
I wish I could make more money per item though...their base cost is really high.

Posted at 12:12pm Oct 15, 2009 EDT

Cafepress or zazzle do not own the copyrights to your designs.

Posted at 3:39pm Oct 15, 2009 EDT

Elizabeth Pujalka avatar
Softpencil says

anyone more...?
What do you prefer and why? Cafepress or Zazzle?

Posted at 6:27pm Dec 4, 2009 EST

I've had a shop at Cafepress for about five years, was doing well for the past few, averaging about $700.00 a month. Then they screwed everyone over by changing their commission structure and now I make less than 25% of what I made before.

I've been moving my stuff over to Zazzle and sales are starting to do well there. (I mark up my stuff by 35% so I make $5-$12 on most stuff). Zazzle has more variety of products, and the cool part is that you can make template products to sell, so that customers can easily customize them with their own name/picture/whatever. Can't do that on Cafepress, so that opens up a lot of possibilities.

Posted at 11:38pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

Stef avatar
rubycquins says

Nothing from Cafepress, made a wee bit on Zazzle, doing better recently. I noticed its becoming popular with people from the U.K now.

Posted at 11:42pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

I have a CafePress shop, but I am thinking of switching to Zazzle. They seem to offer more fun items, and I think the shop fee is less. I have had sales from CafePress, but not a lot probably because I don't spend time promoting it...

Posted at 11:48pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

I have both. I have never had a problem with cafepress, fast shipping and never a complaint from a customer and good feedback. I closed my shop because someone stole my designs and I wanted to revamp.

I have a zazzle, but have not done anything with it for the same reasons...I want to redo my designs and am considering a copyright.

Posted at 11:52pm Dec 7, 2009 EST

buttercupsroad avatar
buttercupsroad says

I love my Zazzle. Even with no sales (yet). It is an outlet that I enjoy very much. Even with such meager creative ability as I.

Posted at 11:57pm Dec 7, 2009 EST