Maine Team CHAT Thread - March 28 to April 4 2010

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beckyrose says

Congratulations Grandma Lizzy! I saw the picture on facebook, she's beautiful :)

Kirsten, if you manage to get Todd to take over dance class duty, can I get a ride to Bangor with you?

Shannon, I love the haircut!

Posted at 8:53am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Woah, I've missed a ton of these chats!
Hope everyone is doing well. : )

Posted at 8:54am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

anabelfuzz says

Becky- For sure! But I'm not holding my breath about Todd. He has been really busy lately, and some of his jobs are on the backside of the island so it takes him forever to get home.

Posted at 8:56am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Lizzyoos says

So the Grant for the Ronald McD house purse for purpose. what are we doing for it with the money?

Posted at 9:13am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

The Pizza Uno is the one on the Bangor Mall Boulevard across from the mall, (across from Macy's entrances)I don't think you can miss it.
(I think there is one in Old Town too on Stillwater, google maps makes it confusing-)

Congrats Lizzy! I didn't see the photo on FB, could it be we aren't FB friends yet? I'll go find you and make a request.

Luckily it's a good friend who bought the necklace and if I really can't find it (which seems unlikely) all I'd need to do is have her choose a different piece of glass, I have everything else.

Posted at 9:24am Mar 29, 2010 EDT


I'm having a contest!


also Lisa you can put sweet mojo up there anytime! And I'm glad you are inspired:) Paige and Lisa. can't wait to see what you come up with! Has Pam been around lately? I bet she'd be in!

Posted at 10:11am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

oh... and another grant? AWESOME!

Posted at 10:12am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

Nice to see both LongWinterFarm AND WorthyGoods in the Etsy Finds email today! Congrats Ladies!

Posted at 11:42am Mar 29, 2010 EDT

anabelfuzz says

Great publicity for them!

Posted at 11:55am Mar 29, 2010 EDT