Silk screeners?

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Original Post

ohmababy says

My kids have a band. They are doing their album debut party on the 16th of July and they want to have t-shirts made. They are all dirt poor.

I don't want to insult anyone by not offering enough for your beautiful work so feel free to ignore this or tell me my head is up my ass.

But before I run all over town looking for the best silk screen deal I can get, I thought I would come here and tell you they are looking to spend around $400...they might be able to swing $500 ..for 100 shirts. they have the artwork. You would have to supply the shirts and the silk screening.

anybody up for that? Or make us a counter offer?

Posted at 2:30am Jun 19, 2006 EDT


I think this would be best suited in alchemy because more people will see it... otherwise this will get buried soon... :)

Posted at 7:58am Jun 19, 2006 EDT

ohmababy says

thanks I'll put it there.

Posted at 3:10pm Jun 19, 2006 EDT

limescreen says

pick me....pick me!!
check my prices @

i will negotiate :)

Posted at 4:16pm Jun 19, 2006 EDT