Weird Crackling Sound in my nose/head

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Original Post

megrnc says

So I think I have the flu, all the symptoms are there, as well as stuffy head. When I lay down though, i hear all this crackling, or small popping sounds. Not in my ears though, mostly behind my nose. I sound like a bowl of rice crispies. I'm worried this might be something other than just a cold/flu. Has anyone else experienced this? I know, it's super weird.

Posted at 8:33pm Feb 18, 2008 EST


Blocked sinus passages The eyes, ears, nose and throat are all connected. The ear canals act like tiny amplifiers for your nose.
Poor baby.

Posted at 8:35pm Feb 18, 2008 EST

Jen avatar
jenspeaks says

Definitely your sinuses - you're just really congested and when the mucus moves you can hear it in your head. Freaky, but you'll live.

Posted at 8:36pm Feb 18, 2008 EST

It may be "bubbles" in the mucus in your sinuses--get that sometimes and I know what you are describing--it typically indicates some thick stuff in there--you may need a mucus thinner like guafenisen...

Posted at 8:37pm Feb 18, 2008 EST

I have the same problem only I am on my second dose of antibiotics! Stuburn infection just won't go away! Hope you feel better soon

Posted at 8:37pm Feb 18, 2008 EST

artgoodies says

sorry you feel bad! does your nose squeak too after you blow it, that always at least cracks me up when my sinuses are in the funk, I've had the fizzy sinus noises too.

Posted at 8:45pm Feb 18, 2008 EST

i think you may have cereal elves living in your sinus passages

Posted at 9:10pm Feb 18, 2008 EST