I have a domain at godaddy, can I link it to my etsy shop?

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hi, I have a domain name through godaddy, and a website hosted by wham, which I have never opened and I will be taking it off the internet this week, but I plan to keep my domain name for now. Can I somehow link this to my etsy shop? so that when someone types in www.playgroundprincess.com, it brings them directly to my etsy shop?

thanks so much

Posted at 12:02am Apr 15, 2008 EDT


carriedee says

You can use a redirect service. You could also do what I did...


I put a large etsy mini on the front page of my website.

Posted at 12:03am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

You have to stay hosted to forward your domain name :)

Posted at 12:04am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

carriedee says

err.. here's the link..


Posted at 12:04am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

WhimZees avatar
WhimZees says

Yes, I have three domains redirected to my Etsy shop.

You can't redirect a GoDaddy hosted site, but you can redirect parked domains.

Posted at 12:04am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

trinlayk says

I've slapped a Etsy mini on my blog... not that anyone seems to ever read the thing.;D

Posted at 12:05am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

mindlesspursuits avatar
mindlesspursuits says

Weeelllll... you CAN redirect a godaddy hosted site, but only if you're on one of their dedicated virtual servers or fully dedicated servers. :)

Posted at 12:05am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

Heather Howland avatar
hhowland says

You can do a re-direct right through Go Daddy with no need to host a site to forward your domain. I do this with 2 domains from go daddy.

Posted at 12:05am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

hum, I am not very smart when it comes to understanding any of this. I know that I have a domain name with godaddy, and it will expire next month, I have to renew it, so, if I cancel with WHAM shoppes it will be parked, I think, because it was parked with godaddy before WHAM started hosting it.

so, can I redirect it through godaddy?

I paid all this $$$ for someone to build me a website, but it is just soo much easier to come here to etsy, the work that you have to put into a website is astounding!

Posted at 12:10am Apr 15, 2008 EDT

Heather Howland avatar
hhowland says

playgroundprincess, once you drop the hosting, your domain can go back into park mode and go daddy can do a redirect.

Posted at 12:10am Apr 15, 2008 EDT