Can I pay with an American Express GIFT Card?

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I got an American Express gift card (the kind that can be used anywhere) and I tried paying for something with it by just assuming to put the information in as a credit card and it won't work.

Does Etsy not accept AMEX gift cards, or did I miss how to do it entirely?

Posted at 3:03am Jun 1, 2008 EDT


Sandi LaPrade avatar
MeemaMagic says

I don't think so but I will bump for you.

Posted at 3:10am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

I'm new, what does bump mean? :(

Posted at 3:11am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

beckandcallgirl avatar
beckandcallgirl says

You have to pay your seller directly. You may need to use your giftcard through paypal.

Posted at 3:15am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

Taleri says

I would think that you would need to use it as a credit card through paypal... I'm not clear if that is what you did and what wouldnt work though.

Posted at 3:19am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

thebeadingtree avatar
thebeadingtree says

Welcome to Etsy, TomatoSoupIsBlue! :)

"Bump" just means they are helping to keep your question at the top of the forum page.

You can try using the Amex gift card by going through paypal and using it as a Credit card purchase. Here is a 'walk-through' on how to purchase an item on etsy:

Here is the buyers faqs on how to pay the seller:

Basically it says:

How do I pay the seller?
On the final page of the checkout, there will be instructions on how to pay depending on the payment method you chose. Please note that if you purchase items from multiple shops, each seller must be paid individually. If you navigate away from the check out page, you can access this information by visiting the Invoice page for this transaction. Just go to Your Etsy > Purchases, and click the Invoice link next to the transaction information.

If you're paying by PayPal or credit card via PayPal, there will be a big green button that says Pay Now with PayPal. Click here to be transferred to a secure PayPal page where you can pay the seller.

If you are paying by check, money order or another method, please contact the seller via Conversations to arrange payment.

Posted at 3:23am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

pickypicky says

Using an Amex via the Paypal site should work.( Just wondering if you have to activate the card first, or if you already checked that? I rcvd some visa gift cards but had to call a number to activate them first. That's all I can think may be an issue?) Good luck~

Posted at 3:49am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

curlyfrysc says

If you're setting up a shop, I don't think you can use if a gift card but if you're purchasing an item, it should work through Paypal.

Posted at 3:51am Jun 1, 2008 EDT

AthenaAine avatar
AthenaAine says

Can you buy an etsy gift card with an Amex Gift card?

Posted at 7:12pm Nov 11, 2014 EST

I was just doing somethings with AM and PP today. They have a love/hate relationship.

Posted at 7:27pm Nov 11, 2014 EST