How to I point my DNS to Etsy?

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I have a domain. I need to point the DNS to my etsy. Can anyone tell me what it would be?

Posted at 7:30pm Aug 8, 2008 EDT


jenhintz avatar
jenhintz says

How you do it is going to depend on your hosting service. There should be a link or button somewhere with "domain forwarding" or something to that effect...I'm just learning my way around all this myself.

Posted at 7:32pm Aug 8, 2008 EDT

Pappashop (my current host) says I need to change the DNS.

currently its
But I need it to go to my etsy.

Posted at 7:34pm Aug 8, 2008 EDT

You don't change the DNS, you have to have the domain forward to your etsy address by the company that you purchased the domain from.

Posted at 7:36pm Aug 8, 2008 EDT

pappashop says they dont forward, and I need to change the DNS.

Posted at 9:10am Aug 9, 2008 EDT

Unfortunately changing the DNS won't work, that's what I though so too when I first bought my domain I use and they forward the domain at no extra cost. You may need to find a new domain company.
You may be able to have your DNS point directly to etsy, but it won't go directly to your shop. If you want to do that etsy's DNS info can be found here:

Hope that helps!

Posted at 11:18am Aug 9, 2008 EDT

Organidog avatar
Organidog says

Call customer service?

Posted at 11:22am Aug 9, 2008 EDT

Tina avatar
thecyclingartist says

You definitely don't change the DNS, there should be a forwarding option somewhere.

If your company won't let you forward (even for a fee) then that's extremely unusual, to not offer a standard service. I'd change companies. You cannot change to Etsy's DNS because you do not own or pay for those servers, plus as bluedog says, that will just send people to Etsy's main page.
Seriously, check out domain transfer fees because it may be well worth it to switch the domain to a new provider.

Posted at 12:11pm Aug 9, 2008 EDT

Tina avatar
thecyclingartist says

Also, try clicking the 2nd question on this page to see what it says:

It won't let me read the answer without logging in.

Posted at 12:13pm Aug 9, 2008 EDT