Soldering with Mapp Gas?

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So, I know there have been a bazillion forums about soldering and home torches which are more manageable than acetylene. I learned metalsmithing on acetylene, and I don't make huge pieces, but generous bangles are regular. Would bangles be too big for butane? For propane? Since I learned on acetylene, would Mapp gas be an easier transition?

Posted at 1:34am Oct 20, 2008 EDT


Metaluna says

My experience is mostly with acetylene but from what I have read, butane is difficult on large pieces, propane should work well but I have seen debates about if it is any safer than acetylene. I don't know much about MAPP gas but I have read it gets expensive and again, I don't know if it's really safer than acetylene.

Posted at 2:01am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

Metaluna says

Hmmm...some googling suggests MAPP gas has been discontinued. Might be unfounded but worth checking into before you invest a lot of money.

Posted at 2:06am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

SugarSpoon says

propane is cheap and safe, good for larger pieces, too. you can get it any where! plus, it's much cleaner than acetylene.

Posted at 2:25am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

moppetsclosets avatar
moppetsclosets says

I use MAPP quite a bit for fusing. I actually learned with MAPP and a hothead for lampworking (as well as my husband, who loved it!) I have a propane 02 set up as well. If you can get a fine enough flame, MAPP will work and lasts a long time. I would suggest getting an O2 takn tha tyou can refill, rather than a disposable - they run out in a hurry!

MAPP does burn really dirty! I have only used it for fusing, so I haven't had a residue problem, but I am not sure about Sterling.

Posted at 2:41am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

moppetsclosets avatar
moppetsclosets says

uugh - just ignore the typos! My studio keyboard seriously needs to be cleaned! It's covered in shavings ;)

Posted at 2:42am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

glassgypsy says

Mapp gas has been discontinued. A new supplier is making a new version. Mapp gas will burn cleaner than acetylene.

Posted at 3:48am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

Joyfulcrow says

Mapp is a hotter fuel than propane, but dirtier. Not as hot as acetylene, but cleaner.
Mapp is not discontinued.

Posted at 4:48am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

ShadeJewelry avatar
ShadeJewelry says

mapp is easy to get just about anywhere. it's a little pricey (7 dollars a tank versus 3), but well worth the money i believe it burns 500 degrees hotter then propane.

Posted at 4:57am Oct 20, 2008 EDT

IllusionFusion avatar
IllusionFusion says

Chemtane is an adequate replacement for MAPP.

Posted at 2:08pm Oct 20, 2008 EDT