MooseBerryHill Internet Craft Radio - Ads just $7! Come chat and promote!

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MooseBerryHillToo avatar
MooseBerryHillToo says

Dont miss out on the chance to PROMOTE your shop on our weekly radio show...Live TONIGHT at 6 PM EST!

Please visit to catch our most recent show!

This week, we will talk more about the new venue for your handmade products, and discuss what we're doing to run full-force into the upcoming holiday selling season!

$7 ads available at
$10 for 2 consecutive weekly ads here:


1) - Awesome sewn items, from kitchen items to baby gift sets! Now featuring seasonal designs! Come see Cindy's amazing work!

2) - Mineral Magic Cosmetics' minerals are vegan, titanium-free, and paraben-free...endorsed by PETA! FROM NOW UNTIL DECEMBER 15TH!
Take 40% off everything except sale items, samples, pifs and closeouts. *Discount cannot be combined with other current sales or coupons. Wait for a revised invoice. :D

3) ~ A new place to sell your products and resupplies. Expand your business FEE FREE! Check it out and make a shop at no charge and see how they are helping the environment today!

PRIZE coming up TONIGHT:

A soy candle & Tart gift set from!


Posted at 8:37am Nov 6, 2008 EST


I'm bumping this up! Great radio show! I wish I could make it tonight. I never can do that time.

Posted at 9:04am Nov 6, 2008 EST

hey peepsteres!!!

Posted at 10:22am Nov 6, 2008 EST

MooseBerryHillToo avatar
MooseBerryHillToo says


Posted at 11:01am Nov 6, 2008 EST

CrochetRUs says

Hey y'all!! ***did any of you detect my Southern accent? ;)

Posted at 11:27am Nov 6, 2008 EST

MooseBerryHillToo avatar
MooseBerryHillToo says

I did!! You are a southern!! How ya doin?

Posted at 12:19pm Nov 6, 2008 EST

MooseBerryHillToo avatar
MooseBerryHillToo says


Posted at 12:21pm Nov 6, 2008 EST

theorangepeel avatar
theorangepeel says

hello all, the entire state of Florida checking in!

Posted at 1:55pm Nov 6, 2008 EST