How to "unsubscribe" from etsy email updates?

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Hey there
We are brand new to etsy, and when I was setting up the account I went with the default setting allowing emails updates and notifications from etsy. OMG, I had NO idea the extent to which my business email account would be flooded as a result! So, I have been trying to figure out how to "unsubscribe", or change my settings, so far with no success. Anyone know how to stem the SPAM avalanche??


Posted at 10:23am Nov 10, 2009 EST


CasePhile says

Hi Kyrstin,
Just so you know, it's not technically SPAM since you did request the communication. However, I'm having the same problem trying to unsubscribe. In the storque it says:

"Where can I change which newsletters I get?
Click the blue Manage link in a newsletter
How do I unsubscribe?
To unsubscribe, click the unsubscribe link in the newsletter."

BUT these things do not appear in the emails! If anyone can help us out, I would be much obliged!!

Posted at 12:37pm Nov 16, 2009 EST

CasePhile says

Also, this should be moved to Site Help

Posted at 12:38pm Nov 16, 2009 EST

There should be a "SafeUnsubscribe" link at the bottom of the e-mails. I think you have to unsubscribe from each list separately (Etsy Finds, Etsy Success, etc.)

Posted at 12:45pm Nov 16, 2009 EST

CasePhile says

I tried that and it said it would remove ALL the emails from Etsy.

Posted at 12:57pm Nov 16, 2009 EST