Anyone use a Dymo 4xl with Paypal Shipping

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VieModerne says

Pretty please with a cherry on top tell me this is possible!

I know I'm looking for a needle in a haystack, but has anyone figured out how to set up a dymo 4xl with paypal. Multi Order shipping supports a bunch of other dymo printers, but not this 4x6 one, which is odd because the default label size is 4x6.

I just got mine today, thinking I would use it and switch to Endicia. Turns out i absolutely HATE endicia, and I want my paypal multi-order shipping back! I just made this huge label maker purchase that I need to justify. Using Endicia isn't saving me any time, and is costing me money, so I don't see the point.

In my ideal world, I'd like to be able to use paypal multi order shipping with my label maker, and Endicia and my regular printer for international (it won't print with my label maker either!)

Goodness gracious I hope I didn't just waste $200!


Posted at 10:56pm Feb 24, 2010 EST


giving you a bump up because I'm looking into getting this dymo too!

Posted at 1:17am Feb 25, 2010 EST

VieModerne says

After spending a good six hours with it... my advice is don't! Unless you are already using endicia and are happy with it, then it's probably a wonderful choice!

I'm finding that it is NOT supported for paypal shipping, and I can't make it happen. From what I'm seeing, paypal is user friendly, and faster for multi shipping. If I could go back to two days ago, I would get one of the printers supported by paypal. The convenience of having your orders already imported, have your customers notified, and be able to print multiple labels at once is huge.

Unless I make some new discoveries in the next few days, I'm seriously considering selling this thing and getting a paypal supported printer!

I'll keep you posted!

Posted at 1:33am Feb 25, 2010 EST

Yes it is possible! After a few minutes and a couple of wasted labels the Dymo 4XL will print PayPal Shipping labels beautifully. It's all in the settings. First go to File and scroll down to Page Setup, you need to set your orientation to landscape, then make sure scale is at 100% and fit to page is checked as well as print background. Next set all margins to 0.0, and set all headers and footers to blank. The last step is the easiest, from the PayPal print window make sure the Print range is set on pages 1 to 1. Click print and enjoy!!

Posted at 10:48pm May 2, 2010 EDT

marking incase i get this kind of dymo

Posted at 4:34pm Jul 5, 2010 EDT

artaltered says

I love Love. I couldn't get through the holiday rush without it.

Posted at 4:58pm Jul 5, 2010 EDT

marking also..thanks! someone else said you can use the 330 setting? Is this true?

Posted at 1:35am Oct 25, 2010 EDT

Now I found it. Just select a zebra 4X6 setting in Paypal. the 330 setting is for the smaller 400 or 450 turbo printers.

Posted at 11:47pm Oct 28, 2010 EDT

marking :)

Posted at 1:57pm Dec 30, 2010 EST

coup says

Is anyone using the DYMO 4XL with a Mac and Paypal?? I having been using Endicia for the past year, but want to switch back to Paypal. Paypal states that label makers are not compatible with Mac at this time, which is what they've said for years now....I tried selecting the Zebra 4 x 6 settings and also the page setup settings without any luck....I hate to print to my normal Epson inkjet and to tape it on when I have the 4 x 6 thermal printer which I love so much more.....Help!!!

Posted at 1:15pm Jun 16, 2011 EDT