Fake Etsy Transaction and Fake Pay Pal Email?

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I had these 3 transaction in 2 days. Usually the box is checked in the Etsy "Sold" screen when the payment has been made, but non of them been checked.

Anyway, I received emails at my old email address (I changed to a new one for my Pay Pal account last week) stated that I've got cash, and asked me to click on the link below to claim my money, and the email has my Etsy transaction details.
The email was sent by "sendmail@paypal.com" instaed of the "service@paypal.com" I used to received.
The email also does not greet me by my real name, instead, it has my email address.
However, I have my 3rd transaction today, which the buyer has some positive feedbacks, and i don't believe she would make a fake transaction. (the previous 2 have no feedbacks)
However, I received this fake paypal email regarding this 3rd transaction, but never seen the money posted to my paypal account.
I wonder anyone of you encountered this issue and can share with me.

Posted at 8:08pm Mar 8, 2010 EST


Did you go into your Paypal account to see if the funds are there? Not through the email you received.

Posted at 8:09pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

The easiest way to check this is to log into your Paypal account (NOT through the link in the e-mails) and see if there have been actual payments made.

Also, Paypal has an e-mail address to which you can forward suspected scam e-mails. I've done it in the past, and they've been pretty quick to respond and confirm that they were not from Paypal.

Posted at 8:10pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

bijoutery says

1. Don't click on any links
2. Go to PayPal and login to see if it shows any transactions there
3. If it appears these are fake, forward them to spoof[at]paypal[dot]com - whenever I've forward suspicious emails to them, they always reply to let me know that they were indeed fake.

Posted at 8:11pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

Toni Swedberg avatar
CoolTricks says

Have you contacted Paypal? You can forward the whole thing to spoof@paypal.com and ask them.

Posted at 8:11pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

Sunny Skaggs avatar
PapercutKitchen says

You should probably call Paypal about it. If you're getting an email but the funds are not in your account then something's amiss!

Posted at 8:11pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

It sounds like a phishing scam. I would call Paypal and talk to them about it.

Don't ever click on links in emails that say they are from paypal. Always go directly to Paypal.com and log in from there. The link provided in those emails is probably not really paypal, it could very well be someone phishing for your paypal password.

Posted at 8:12pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

so someone bought the items and then sent you fake paypal payment emails in hopes that you would ship them so free goodies?

I would forward the paypal emails to spoof@paypal.com
then forward the paypal and transactions emails to abuse@etsy.com so they can look it over too.

Posted at 8:13pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

i clicked on the link.....but i did not enter any information. does it matter??
there isn't any payment posted in my paypal account.
i already reported to pay pal, but they still have not get back to me.
i worried about my 3rd transaction because seems like she is a real customer with19 positive feedback.
what do you think i should tell her? i can't tell her it seems like a fake transaction....but i never seen her payment posted in my account.

Posted at 8:18pm Mar 8, 2010 EST

Feedback can be shilled.

In light of the fact that they reference a specific etsy transaction in the fake paypal email, I would be very concerned that this will happen to other sellers here. Good that you noticed it was fake, but definitely report it to etsy.

Posted at 8:18pm Mar 8, 2010 EST